Hey everyone! I'm new to the forums and wanted to say first I love XBMC. It's perfect for OCD people like me who like to have everything organized and perfect looking. Now, I have been researching all over trying to find what I am looking for but have found nothing. What I'm looking for is a file organizer which has the ability to rename and move files based on what they are registered as in XBMC. For example, I have a large number of TV shows and Movies. Most of which import into XBMC easily and the few that don't, I don't mind manually adding them. What I would like is the ability for XBMC to take the name of the movie/tv show that it is registered as and rename to a uniform name and move it to something like /TVshows/showname/show. This seems like a feature that would be in high demand so I was surprised when I didn't find anything. Is something like this hiding in plain sight or has it not been devolved yet.
Reading over my description I will try to clarify in case its to confusing. What I'm looking for is something that will take a file that has already been imported into XBMC rename it to the name downloaded by the scraper and organize it into a logical file system. Thanks
Reading over my description I will try to clarify in case its to confusing. What I'm looking for is something that will take a file that has already been imported into XBMC rename it to the name downloaded by the scraper and organize it into a logical file system. Thanks