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[XBOX] Cant access XBMC thru ftp
So about a year ago I started playing around with skins for the XBMC. The most recent I tried was the X-TV (based off the Apple iTV), but I do not have the fonts installed, so no fonts show up. I can move my cursor around, but can't do anything more than that. Whenever a skin broke before I could ftp in and delete that skin, and then the default skin would show up again. However, now I do not know (and cannot see) the ip address of my Xbox to ftp into. Please help--I've searched around the interwebs and have yet to find anything.

Hold white + Y as XBMC boots up to send it into "emergency recovery" mode. This'll grant FTP access while showing the IP on the screen, regardless of any skin issues.

I'm not sure if simply deleting the skin folder will do the job... You may have to edit/remove the file "guisettings.xml", which is located in XBMC's UserData folder.
XBMC Manual - BlackBolt - SVN Guide - Skin SVN - Wide Icon SVN - ROM Shortcut Generator
You're just jealous 'cause the voices only talk to me :P
Thank you! Thank You!
It worked like a charm (I got it to work with start + Y + white), and now my Xbox is usable again!

Thanks so much!

P.S. - Merely deleting the skin folder always restores mine to PMIII.

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[XBOX] Cant access XBMC thru ftp0