Hi and thank you for answering so fast. About date thing I think it'll be cool to be auto-formated by XBMC and not scraper depending.
About translation, here is the strings.xml (
LINK). This is a temporary version until I have used the skin for a while and i've already seen all translations.
Quote:I want to make use of XBMC's built in strings as much as possible. But if this is needed for your translation because for instance the order of words is different in Spanish then I will change it.
You can use XBMC standard strings but if you put the string in strings.xml I can change the order when I am translating it.
Thanks again because I love this skin.
PS: I already made a change into the skin and added a banner.jpg compatibility. This is a very easy mod and allow to use poster and banner without breaking the skin to people that only have banners.
Line 984: <texture diffuse="frames/bannerFrameMaskAlt.png" fallback="defaultBanner.png">$INFO[ListItem.Path,,banner.jpg]</texture>
Changing this we have only banner.jpg compat. But if we duplicate the control, and add a visibility condition with a setting we have compat for both styles and with no difficulty.