Finding help about Chinese(Simple)
This is the first time I use XBMC.

I found that when I selected Chinese(Simple),I didn't get any Chinese characters but many boxes.I am wondering how I can do?

Thanks for your help.

most skins use fonts that don't have chinese characters. you can try to replace the fonts used with something like "Droid Sans Fallback" which supports most characters, but this might destroy the layout in some cases.

i am currently working on a simple skin that will use the droid font. it should work with both 繁体 and 简体. but it is nowhere near done. 你在中国的什么地方?
I thought the skin can choose fonts automatically.

Mediaportal can display chinese correctly.
switch to the arial fontset.
the change the chinese need to take time to do it. 50% use system to do it. Another 50% do it from yourself. I did it on the aeon nex silvo skin
still the Unicode did not auto choose, we still need to select 繁体 or 简体 for subtitle support

for main fonts layout it work correctly
Thanks for sharing the information. I was also having a similar problem, have to try this out.

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Finding help about Chinese(Simple)0