2010-07-19, 21:09
frater Wrote:;-)
I was merely reacting on IIINeOIIINL's message....
Only implement it if you think it's a good idea.
indeed a good idea, will work on that
frater Wrote:;-)
I was merely reacting on IIINeOIIINL's message....
Only implement it if you think it's a good idea.
IIINeOIIINL Wrote:Sorry for complaining to soon, tried the fix from mr_blobby, and it works like a charm, thank you guy's!!
frater Wrote:I didn't say "bierdopje" is not working... (I applied the fix).You did notice that ondertitel.com was recently added as a service?
I mean it's working for TV-shows, not for movies....
I would like "bierdopje" as preferred service for TV-shows and "opensubtitles" for movies....
Now I can choose only one preferred service.
Nektarios Wrote:I have implemented a timeout and connection handling on the latest version (v1.7.10) and it works well. IMO it was necessary because opensubtitles.org these days does not respond always or responds with errors and so the addon was freezing forever waiting. This was frustrating because only a restart of XBMC could overcome the freezing.
I want to submit my changes but I can't find an SVN repository of this addon. If you would like to incorporate them, please tell me what I have to do to give them out.
Thanks for this great addon Amet.
Amet Wrote:the opensubtitles service does have a timeout, it is set to 5 secMaybe we can simply use the timeout parameter of urllib2:
svn can be found here, PM me the diff if you want me to add it.
mr_blobby Wrote:Maybe we can simply use the timeout parameter of urllib2:
urlopen(url[, data][, timeout])
This parameter was introduced in Python 2.6 and I know that the latest stable build didn't support it (I tried it for Bierdopje), but maybe the Dharma branch uses Python 2.6.
Amet Wrote:1.7.8 should bi in the official repo in few minutes, that has the fix from mr_blobby
PsychoCheF Wrote:Is it?
PsychoCheF Wrote:I'm only find 1.7.1 in the xbmc addon section. (which is not working)
Amet Wrote:it isNo, i download it from xbmc-system-addons-xbmc addons...
Not sure where you are looking, tried here?
20:04:41 T:5796 M:4294967295 DEBUG: XBMC Subtitles version [ 1.7.4 ]
XBMC Subtitles skin XML: [ main ]
20:04:41 T:5796 M:4294967295 INFO: -->Python script returned the following error<--
20:04:41 T:5796 M:4294967295 ERROR: Error Type: exceptions.ImportError
20:04:41 T:5796 M:4294967295 ERROR: Error Contents: No module named gui
20:04:41 T:5580 M:4294967295 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (VideoOSD.xml) ------
20:04:41 T:5796 M:4294967295 ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\André\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.xbmc.subtitles\default.py", line 29, in ?
import gui
ImportError: No module named gui
20:04:41 T:5796 M:4294967295 INFO: -->End of Python script error report<--
PsychoCheF Wrote:No, i download it from xbmc-system-addons-xbmc addons...
It was the latest version 1.7.10 there (read it wrong before)
Anyway, when i start the script it immediatly fails, and nothing more happens.
Found this in the log. (Why it says its version 1.7.4??)
Code:20:04:41 T:5796 M:4294967295 DEBUG: XBMC Subtitles version [ 1.7.4 ]
XBMC Subtitles skin XML: [ main ]
20:04:41 T:5796 M:4294967295 INFO: -->Python script returned the following error<--
20:04:41 T:5796 M:4294967295 ERROR: Error Type: exceptions.ImportError
20:04:41 T:5796 M:4294967295 ERROR: Error Contents: No module named gui
20:04:41 T:5580 M:4294967295 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (VideoOSD.xml) ------
20:04:41 T:5796 M:4294967295 ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\André\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.xbmc.subtitles\default.py", line 29, in ?
import gui
ImportError: No module named gui
20:04:41 T:5796 M:4294967295 INFO: -->End of Python script error report<--
Complete log here: http://pastebin.com/yZxTaJs2
Amet Wrote:1.) can you confirm that there is "gui.py" in "C:\Users\André\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.xbmc.subtitles\resources\lib"
2.) try downloading 1.7.10 and manually unzip in "C:\Users\André\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\"
let me know if it works
PsychoCheF Wrote:"gui.py" is in place, and it was no differ when i extracted it manually.
But i actually think i know what the problem could be, i moved the script in to xbmc install folder instead of AppData, and now it works!
I had the same problem earlier with downloading/installing addons, i was forced to move them to the install folder.
It some problem when windows handling non english letters i think, as you se in log my username is "André" But should actually be "André" and "é" fuck something up.
I made a bugreport of it and Jmarshall & CO fixed the problem last week, so maybe you can find the answer there.
Again, im not sure if this is the problem, but i could "solve" it the same way.
gsuss Wrote:I have the exact same problem/error when trying to load the subtitles script and my name
PsychoCheF, do you also have problems with your cache not being deleted and/or your library not being update after you scanned for new content. Every time I update it, I have to go in the cache dir and manually delete all files before I'm able to see the new scanned content.