Updated Amazon scrapers
I have updated my Amazon scrapers to fix (again) compatibility with changes made by Amazon.

I have submitted a trac update but for those wanting copies before these new versions makes their way in to a new version of XBMC you can download the updated scrapers via


The zip file contains Amazon US and Amazon UK scrapers for both XBMC and Plex, obviously pick the right ones for your need.
Submit to the addons mailing list please. Are you happy to become the upstream for these? If so, do you have a sourcecode repository for them?
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jmarshall Wrote:Submit to the addons mailing list please. Are you happy to become the upstream for these? If so, do you have a sourcecode repository for them?

There is no such thing as a binary version of a scraper, so the versions in the zip file are equivalent to the source code. I don't have a Git or SVN system or account and as I am not a fulltime developer not interested in one.
That's fine - using a change management system is not compulsory, though it does make things trickier for us as it's more difficult to review changes.

Either way, the main way for us to receive updates for the official addons repository is for them to be sent to the addons mailing list.

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jmarshall Wrote:That's fine - using a change management system is not compulsory, though it does make things trickier for us as it's more difficult to review changes.

Either way, the main way for us to receive updates for the official addons repository is for them to be sent to the addons mailing list.

Previously I have been asked to use the Trac system (which I did this time as well), however as XBMC includes as standard an earlier version of my scrapers, and as a scraper is not an addon I am not sure it would be appropriate to put it in the addons. Would this potentially result in people having two copies of the Amazon scrapers installed?

Where is the addons mailing list you refer to?
scrapers are add-ons.
jelockwood Wrote:Where is the addons mailing list you refer to?

I found another thing had been broken by Amazon (the film title) and have now fixed that as well and called the result version 1.4.1. The same download URL will give you this updated version but I will now look at the Repository.

Edit: Ah, just visited that wiki, I see it requires using Git. I am afraid I have no interest at all in installing Git on my computer. If someone wants to download my zip and push the scraper in to the repository themselves they are welcome to do so.
read harder. you don't have to use git, it's we who use git. and mere mortals aren't given access. read http://xbmc.org/theuni/2010/07/07/submit-your-add-ons/

toss us a pull request and we'll take it from there.
spiff Wrote:read harder. you don't have to use git, it's we who use git. and mere mortals aren't given access. read http://xbmc.org/theuni/2010/07/07/submit-your-add-ons/

toss us a pull request and we'll take it from there.

I have never used Git but the limited info on the Wiki page at http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Off...Repository implies I would have to issue git commands from the command line on my machine, e.g.
git clone git://xbmc.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/xbmc/scrapers
and this logically is only possible if I have some sort of git software installed on my machine which understands git commands and can then presumably 'speak' to your repository.

If the ability to talk to the XBMC git repository for submitting purposes is built-in to XBMC then it does not show up in 9.11 (the version I am running). If there is supposed to be some other method of accessing the XBMC git repository then the above Wiki page completely fails to explain how to do this.
Hmmm... spiff was right that you need to read harder...


there is no need to use git for the mailing list.

See also here:

there is no need to use git for submitting a zip pull request.

olympia Wrote:Hmmm... spiff was right that you need to read harder...


there is no need to use git for the mailing list.

See also here:

there is no need to use git for submitting a zip pull request.

I am sorry but I have read it several times. It still makes no sense. I can see I would have to write an accompanying addon.xml file and have seen threads with examples, but it does not tell me how to upload/submit. I have no repository, I have no Git, I have no SVN, I still cannot see any plain english saying how to submit my scraper.

The following is pure gibberish as far as I am concerned.

*[Git Pull] - Submit a request that we pull from your repo. This should include a url, branch/tag/revision, and the addon to pull.
*[SVN Pull] - See above.
*[Zip Pull] - By far the least useful. Submit a link to the addon or update.
*[Patch]    - Sometimes you may wish to submit a patch to the author for review. Under most circumstances we will not merge this directly, it should go to the upstream maintainer first.
It does not say where or how to do this.

We are not all Linux geeks.
I've only skimmed over the wiki, and unless I'm missing something all you need do is:

1. Email mailing list prefix subject with [Zip Pull] addon name
2. Provide link to new release
3. Make sure you increment your addon.xml version
4. Make sure changelog.txt is up to date

I think you are trying to make this more difficult for yourself than it needs be.... Wink
If you could let us know how it could be rewritten to make it easier that'd be great - we don't want to make it hard for others Smile

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jmarshall Wrote:If you could let us know how it could be rewritten to make it easier that'd be great - we don't want to make it hard for others Smile


The wiki mentions a mailing list, and it mentions the (assumed) commands I quoted in my last message, but it does not make it clear how one sends commands. Should they be in the subject, the body, etc. what other information if any is needed in the email, etc.

As far as the wiki wording is concerned, one could also interpret the reference to the mailing list as merely a place one can discuss things, and not the mechanism itself.

It would be much better if a web interface was provided for making submissions http://github.com would seem an example of this.

Note: Using a mailing list would seem to require subscribing to the mailing list which in turn means having to receive a potentially large number of messages (based on my past use of similar mailing lists), I get far too much email already. Mailing lists are soooo last century.Rolleyes

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