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[RELEASE] RecentlyAdded Script (RecentlyAdded.py) Recently Added for Skins / Skinners
mcborzu Wrote:10.5 should be using:


Try using that and see if it helps...

It also works the way like you say, but when i add "&amp;unplayed=True&amp;totals=True" it's broken again.

PS: i'm using Shade skin.

Are there perhaps some prerequisites for using unplayed or totals?

about random selecting, is episode random a random of all the episodes (seen and unseen) or a random of the first unseen episode of a show?

All episodes from all shows.
ok, thanks!
I have a script failing while in the video tab. This Happens when I am updating the media library when using the scrapers, then click the right mouse button to exit the mode.

The Script that is failing is RecentlyAdded.py. I am not sure why this has started, wondering if there is a corrupted file.

I am using the Skin Transparent!. The reason that I mention the skin is that in the Skin directory under scripts a version of this file exists - I do not see this file under a script directory of any other skins.

My log file has this:

16:36:14 T:140317571405584 M:972845056 NOTICE: File "/home/deric/.xbmc/skin/Transparency!/scripts/RecentlyAdded.py", line 133, in _fetch_totals
16:36:14 T:140317571405584 M:972845056 NOTICE: self.WINDOW.setProperty( "TVShows.Watched" , tvshows_totals[ 2 ] or "" )
16:36:14 T:140317571405584 M:972845056 NOTICE: IndexError
16:36:14 T:140317571405584 M:972845056 NOTICE: :
16:36:14 T:140317571405584 M:972845056 NOTICE: list index out of range
16:36:14 T:140317571405584 M:972845056 ERROR: Scriptresult: Error
I have this problem resolved. The solution was to removed my video sources and then re-add them. Once I did this the script error did not reoccur and scrapping issues in Library mode resolved.Nod
Ive been trying for some time with no luck adding more recently added movies and tv shoes to the home screen. can anyone point me in the direction of how i would do this and what files i need to modify. i simply want to display about 10 recently added movies or tvshows. if there is any more info you need ill provide that. but ive searched the forum and tweaked some files and used the wiki with no luck thanks in advance.

I'm using RC2 and the default skin confluence. i dont know what else would be relevant or needed to help me out. thank you
cruzannavy Wrote:Ive been trying for some time with no luck adding more recently added movies and tv shoes to the home screen. can anyone point me in the direction of how i would do this and what files i need to modify. i simply want to display about 10 recently added movies or tvshows. if there is any more info you need ill provide that. but ive searched the forum and tweaked some files and used the wiki with no luck thanks in advance.

I'm using RC2 and the default skin confluence. i dont know what else would be relevant or needed to help me out. thank you

Edit: I had nothing better to do, so I whipped something up for you. Do the first two changes below (Home.xml and Startup.xml (if you use that function)), backup your IncludesHomeRecentlyAdded.xml file and replace with the contents of this link:
http://pastebin.com/Lme2MeKs (use the "download" link to the right and overwrite your old one).



I also edited the way the posters work, to make them scroll through as you scroll the list.

I hope it works (does here, but you never know). Smile

1. Open up skin.confluence/720p/Home.xml in a text editor, and go to line 719, part of this control:
<control type="button" id="8999">
    <description>Run Recently added</description>

The bold part is what needs changing (line 719). The 'limit' controls the number of items fetched. Increase this to 10 and you get ten items. Easy as pie. Smile

2. There is also a line in skin.confluence/720p/Startup.xml that might need changing, if you update your library on startup:
<control type="button" id="9">
    <description>Trigger to Auto run the Latest media python after a 1 min delay if scan on startup is enabled</description>
    <visible>system.getbool(videolibrary.updateonstartup) + !Skin.HasSetting(homepageHideRecentlyAdded)</visible>

Same thing here, edit the bold part (line 7 of the file).
Thank you , i have been trying to get that to work. it worked on my laptop perfectly now i just have to edit the file on my media center and it hopefully works there too Smile 2 questions though.
1. this still updates after i run an update on my library correct ( i guess i could just down load something and see if it does) meaning i dont have to shut down xbmc and reopen it for it to update.
2. to get the tv shows to display 10 do i only need to add more of these "The quote below" to make it to 10? or are there additional things to do. Thank you for all your help. the movie worked great but i would like 10 tv shows aswell. i know i know never satisfied lol, but i truly appreciate this last bit for the tv shows
"<item id="1">
<label2>$INFO[Window.Property(LatestEpisode.1.ShowTitle)] - $INFO[Window.Property(LatestEpisode.1.EpisodeNo)]</label2>
or does it take a little more editing of the IncludesHomeRecentlyAdded.xml to get the position and size of the box etc to work. i dont know what changes u made to it, causes i replaced it with the download like u suggested and it worked great! thanks again!
Just so you know Alaska Revisited uses 10 recently added items by default.
I was thinking... What about Recently Added Trailers on your homescreen?

In stead of the recently added movies, also recently added trailers from Apple Movie Trailer Lite.

Can this be done? Is it hard to change the script to my needs?

Any help is welcome Laugh
it can be done yes.
That would be a nice feature...
What can one do if this script is crashing (see here).
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | Caber Toss | Switchback | XSqueezeDisplay | Kodi 2nd Display
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
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[RELEASE] RecentlyAdded Script (RecentlyAdded.py) Recently Added for Skins / Skinners0