2010-07-29, 08:55
PsychoCheF Wrote:Okay, more questions/problems now that i can use the script in some way.I think the problems are all related to XBMC not being able to handle special characters:
First a question, how does the script search?
By filename, foldername, tag info?
I have this: \From Paris with love\cbg-fpwl720p.mkv
and the only service that find anything was Sublight.si, i also tried undertexter.se, opensubtitles & subscene.
I renamed the file to \From Paris with love\From Paris with love.mkv
and now also undertexter find the subs.
But if i search on opensubtiles and subscene webpage for "From Paris with love" i got tons of good hits.
Now i tried to download the sub from undertexter, and it just says downloading, nothing happens.
Log here witch shows a search in the 4 services above and attempt do download a sub from undertexter.
The little i understand from logfiles i can se on row 581 says"Multiple movies found, searching for the right one ..." and then in row 682 "Movie not found in list: From Paris With Love" but the correct sub is on row 583 "Found movie on search page: From Paris With Love (2010)"
If you look at the summary of the script (lines 556-568), it is clear that there is no library info for the movie because the year is empty.
This causes subscene to not find any results, because it uses the year to filter the results.
The download from undertexter halts at the unzipping of the downloaded subtitles from the cache (line 733) .
So, just like gsuss mentioned, the problems seem to be related to the library and cache issues.