I am wondering if there is interest in a GUI for mythicalLibrarian.
The GUI would allow easy setup of the features of mythicalLibrarian. Currently the options are setable in text form. They are well documented, but there are still problems which may be able to be resolved with a GUI.
Here are the options which possibly could be resolved:
User settings:
#######################USER SETTINGS##########################
###Stand-alone mode values###
#SYMLINK has 3 modes. MOVE|LINK|Disabled: Default=MOVE
#Create symlink in original dir from file after 'MOVE' | Do not move, just create a sym'LINK' | move the file, symlinking is 'Disabled'
#MoveDir is the folder which mythicalLibrarian will move the file. No trailing / is accepted eg. "~/videos"
MoveDir="/home/mythtv/Episodes" #<------THIS VALUE MUST BE SET-------
#AlternateMoveDir will act as a seccondary MoveDir if the primary MoveDir fails. No trailing / is accepted eg. "~/videos"
#If UseOriginalDir is Enabled, original dir will override MoveDir. Useful for multiple recording dirs.
#UseOriginalDir will separate generic shows from episodes and movies. Enabled|Disabled
#When Enabled, mythicalLibrarian will move the file to a folder of the same name as the show. This is not affected by UseOriginalDir. Enabled|Disabled
#Internet access Timeout in seconds: Default Timeout=50 (seconds)
#Update database time in secconds, Longer duration means faster processing time and less strain on TheTvDb. Default='84000' (1 day)
#mythicalLibrarian working file dir: Default=~/mythicalLibrarian (home/username/mythicalLibraian)
#FailSafe mode will enable symlinks to be formed in FailSafeDir if the move or symlink operation fails. Enabled|Disabled
#FailSafeDir is used when the file cannot be moved to the MoveDir. FailSafe will not create folders. eg. /home/username
FailSafeDir="/home/mythtv/FailSafe" #<------THIS VALUE MUST BE SET-------
#DirTracking will check for and remove the folders created by mythicalLibrarian
#the following line contains the API key from www.TheTvDb.Com. Default project code: 6DF511BB2A64E0E9
#Language setting
###Database settings###
#MythTV MYSQL access allows addition of movies, comskip data, and improves accuracy of episode recognition.
#Database access Enabled|Disabled
#Database Type Default=MythTV
#Guide data type: SchedulesDirect currently covers DataDirect, MC2XML and others. NoLookup will bypass tvdb scanning
#Options: SchedulesDirect|NoLookup
#MySQL User name: Default="mythtv"
#MySQL Password: Default="mythtv"
MySQLpass="mythtv" #<------THIS VALUE MUST BE SET-------
#MySQL Myth Database: Default="mythconverg"
#Primary Movie Dir. mythicalLibrarian will attempt to move to this dir first. No trailing / is accepted eg. "~/videos"
PrimaryMovieDir="/home/mythtv/Movies" #<------THIS VALUE MUST BE SET-------
#AlternateMoveDir will act as a Seccondary move dir if the primary moive dir fails
#ShowStopper = Enabled prevents generic shows and unrecognized episodes from being processed
#Primary Show Dir. mythicalLibrarian will attempt to move to this dir first. No trailing / is accepted eg. "~/videos"
PrimaryShowDir="/home/mythtv/Showings" #<------THIS VALUE MUST BE SET-------
#AlternateMoveDir will act as a Seccondary move dir if the primary moive dir fails
#CommercialMarkup will generate comskip files for recordings when they are moved. Enabled|Disabled
#CommercialMarkupCleanup will execute a maintenance routine which will remove comskip files if they are not needed
#Enables debug mode. This is a verbose mode of logging which should be used for troubleshooting. Enabled|Disabled
#DailyReport provides a local log of shows added to your library per day. Enabled|Disabled
#Notify tells mythicalLibrarian to send a notification to GNOME Desktop upon completion. Enabled|Disabled
#If notifications are enabled, NotifyUserName should be the same as the user logged into the GNOME Session. (your username)
NotifyUserName="MYUSERNAME" #<------THIS VALUE MUST BE SET-------
#Send a notification to XBMC to Update library upon Successful move job Enabled|Disabled
#Send a notification to XBMC to cleanup the library upon Successful move job Enabled|Disabled
#Send Notifications to XBMC UI when library is updated Enabled|Disabled
#Ip Address and port for XBMC Notifications Eg.XBMCIPs=( "" "" "XBOX:8080" )
XBMCIPs=( "" "XBOX:8080" ) #<------THIS VALUE MUST BE SET-------
#maxItems controls the number of items in the RSS. RSS Can be activated by creating a folder in /var/www/mythical-rss.
categoric ignore:
If you wish to ignore all shows with a speciffic category, use
categoricIgnore can be applied by creating a file called:
#Category to ignore #
#Sports #
#Sports Talk #
#College Sports #
#Comedy #
Title Ignore
If wish to ignore all shows with a speciffic title, use titleIgnore
titleIgnore can be applied by creating a file called:
#Show to ignore #
#Battlestar Gallactica #
#The Office #
#Millionaire #
#Aqua teen Hungerforce #
If you are having problems with incorrect guide data such
as improper titling, use showTranslations.
ShowTranslations can be applied by creating a file called:
#My Guide Show Title = www.TheTvDb.com Show Title #
#Battlestar Gallactica = Battlestar Gallactica (2003) #
#The Office = The Office (US) #
#Millionaire = Who Wants To Be A Millionaire #
#Aqua teen Hungerforce = Aqua Teen Hunger Force #
So, let me know what you think. Is this something which should be put into a GUI which would allow the user to see the options, or does mythicalSetup work good enough for mythicalLibrarian?