Program to download/manage 15-20 trailers
Hey I was thinking about how to keep a library of movie trailers to use with the home theater experience script ( ) so as to sort of have a local database of current trailers, (so as to avoid loading and stuttering of trailers). Was thinking it would be neat if there was an application that could keep a database of 15-20 trailers at a time (so as not to eat up too much memory) in hd quality, and then just update itself every week or 2. Would be neat if user could specify quantity of trailers and update rate, and just have the program sync up with new trailers from apple.

Let me know if something like this exists, would be great Tongue
This might be what you are looking for;

although i couldnt get it to download 720p trailers, just standard size ones Huh. I read in the HTE thread that Therms is working on a new version of ATD since apple changed some things.

good luck!
awesome, thank you, exactly what I was looking for!!!
Gonan try this out

Thanks again!

Just tried it out, and seems according to the program comments it does not work since July because apple changed how their trailers are worked. So last comment on there, says they are working on a fix, so hopefully there will be an update soon
Well here is a program that seems to work for what I wanted to do.

Downloads trailers in quality you want, has a time decay, just lacks a space limit setting.

Be sweet if the trailers could also be renamed and have an nfo made, if anyone knows of an app would love to know which one Tongue
Thanks Nick! this is exactly what I was looking for! This is going to work especially well with the new cinema experience setup.

Thanks again!

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Program to download/manage 15-20 trailers0