2010-07-26, 20:53
The sratim scraper for hebrew movie details and covers is broken.
To fix, change the following.
go to the XBMC new plugin folder - C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\metadata.sratim.co.il
open the addon.xml file and edit the line
This should do the trick.
Who ever read this and know how to submit a patch, please assist.
The sratim scraper for hebrew movie details and covers is broken.
To fix, change the following.
go to the XBMC new plugin folder - C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\metadata.sratim.co.il
open the addon.xml file and edit the line
Quote:library="sratime.xml"/>and remove the extra "e" (bold here on purpose).
This should do the trick.
Who ever read this and know how to submit a patch, please assist.
Quote:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<addon id="metadata.sratim.co.il"
<import addon="xbmc.metadata" version="1.0"/>
<import addon="metadata.common.themoviedb.org" version="1.0"/>
<import addon="metadata.common.imdb.com" version="1.0"/>
<extension point="xbmc.metadata.scraper.movies"
<extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
<summary lang="en">Sratim Movie Scraper</summary>
<summary lang="hu">Sratim filmadat leolvasó</summary>
<summary lang="kr">Sratim 영화 스크래퍼</summary>
<summary lang="pt">Scraper de filmes Sratim</summary>
<description lang="en">Download Movie information from www.sratim.co.il</description>
<description lang="hu">Film információk letöltése a http://www.sratim.co.il webhelyről</description>
<description lang="kr">http://www.sratim.co.il에서 영화 정보 다운로드</description>
<description lang="pt">Descarregar informação de filmes de www.sratim.co.il</description>