While I haven't used this particular add-on myself, the auto library update is quite easy to set up yourself.
First configure an autoexec.py file in your XBMC \userdata (on windows 7 this is generally C:\Users\<user>\appdata\roaming\xbmc\userdata, on earlier its C:\doc and settings\...) folder.
The python file should contain the following:
import xbmc, xbmcgui
Then create VideoLibraryUpdater.py in the same \userdata folder which contains the following:
import xbmc, xbmcgui
xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.AlarmClock( VideoLibraryUpdater, XBMC.RunScript(special://home/scripts/VideoLibraryUpdater.py),60,true)')
Change the 60 to whatever you like, its in minutes.
Be aware that the update will interrupt library exports so if you are doing a mass export make sure you either disable it or give it a longer time.