2010-10-16, 23:04
Our movie list is pretty huge and I want to set it to default to genres when the category movie is selected (like netflix does.)
I went through the movies and fixed all the genres so that this will work great for my family. I know that I can press the down button and then scroll over to genres but is there a way to set it where I don't have to do that anymore? I would rather have to do that to display by list.
Hopefully the solution can be specific to movies but if it has to change for TV as well, that is fine (I can put all my shows in one genre to get around that.)
I went through the movies and fixed all the genres so that this will work great for my family. I know that I can press the down button and then scroll over to genres but is there a way to set it where I don't have to do that anymore? I would rather have to do that to display by list.
Hopefully the solution can be specific to movies but if it has to change for TV as well, that is fine (I can put all my shows in one genre to get around that.)