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Ember Media Manager NFO/Poster/FanArt Manager for Movies (Open Source VB.NET)
if you have a NFO file and proper artwork XBMC should be using those.

I have beta3 installed and imported my freshly Ember scraped library with out a problem.

1.set your movie source
2.set content to movies
3.update library

Flomaster Wrote:if you have a NFO file and proper artwork XBMC should be using those.

I have beta3 installed and imported my freshly Ember scraped library with out a problem.

1.set your movie source
2.set content to movies
3.update library


What do you mean by proper artwork? Is there a naming structure that NEEDS to be used in EMM for XBMC to see the art?

After you set the content to movies do you check any of the other radio boxes, automated scan, folder names, scan recursively, ect...?

Are the files you should have... I always check automated scan and use folder names for lookups, but I don't think it matters...
Kodi: Kodi 17.4, with Transparency!
50 TB Unraid Server: Docker Apps: SABnzbd, Sickrage, mariaDB
HTPC: Win10 (cause Steam), i7, GTX 1080
Watching on: Panasonic TC65-PS64 with lowend Sony 5.1 HTIB
Other devices: rMBP 15", MBA 13", nvidia shield
I do not automate my scan.... because once a movie is scanned into your library, if you change fanart, or folder.jpg or movie.tbm... or add a trailer. xbmc does not know you have done so and you must refresh the movie.

if i have 5 new movies and ember scrapes them for me and i add them to xbmc manually i don't have to do anything. but if xbmc adds those 5 movies before I scrape with ember i have to manually refresh each movie one by one. or remove my Movie source and re-add it just to refresh those 5 movies.

clock2113 Wrote:movie\

Are the files you should have... I always check automated scan and use folder names for lookups, but I don't think it matters...

Flomaster Wrote:I do not automate my scan.... because once a movie is scanned into your library, if you change fanart, or folder.jpg or movie.tbm... or add a trailer. xbmc does not know you have done so and you must refresh the movie.

if i have 5 new movies and ember scrapes them for me and i add them to xbmc manually i don't have to do anything. but if xbmc adds those 5 movies before I scrape with ember i have to manually refresh each movie one by one. or remove my Movie source and re-add it just to refresh those 5 movies.


Its still not working correctly. Its still downloading everything from MovieDB and taking forever to scan my content.

Please take a look at the attached file and let me know if the structure is ok.

On the XBMC side the only thing that I have checked under Set Content is "Use folder names for lookups" and Enable Fanart. I am not sure if it matters but my source is an FTP server.
Flomaster Wrote:I do not automate my scan.... because once a movie is scanned into your library, if you change fanart, or folder.jpg or movie.tbm... or add a trailer. xbmc does not know you have done so and you must refresh the movie.

if i have 5 new movies and ember scrapes them for me and i add them to xbmc manually i don't have to do anything. but if xbmc adds those 5 movies before I scrape with ember i have to manually refresh each movie one by one. or remove my Movie source and re-add it just to refresh those 5 movies.


I do this as well. Better to control when movies are added once you know they're all set up correctly with Ember than to go through the rework you describe above.
Dharma Quick Setup Guide:
XBMC tips on the TechNazgul Blog
Flomaster Wrote:I do not automate my scan.... because once a movie is scanned into your library, if you change fanart, or folder.jpg or movie.tbm... or add a trailer. xbmc does not know you have done so and you must refresh the movie.

if i have 5 new movies and ember scrapes them for me and i add them to xbmc manually i don't have to do anything. but if xbmc adds those 5 movies before I scrape with ember i have to manually refresh each movie one by one. or remove my Movie source and re-add it just to refresh those 5 movies.


Same here.

For those who have weird tv show scans, try doing 1 series at a time (No Batch scraping)
When ever I update my tv library in ember the new episodes aren't scrapped I have to go through each one and use the context menu to scrape them, am I missing an option somewhere or something?

supertom44 Wrote:When ever I update my tv library in ember the new episodes aren't scrapped I have to go through each one and use the context menu to scrape them, am I missing an option somewhere or something?


if a completed series, use the option "Display Missing Episodes".

And the API Key for XBMC is:
Hi Guys,

I see some of you are using Ember MM with your xbmc set up. Can I ask why you would use both if xbmc can scrape all of the media information for you?

Multiple XBMC installs ,sorting, easier interface and information is stored with the files instead of in the XBMC library, so if you lose your XBMC install you dont lose all your trailers/fanart and scraped info
yeah those, also if you use trailers local trailer scraping is a must imo, url's break site layouts change but once it's in your folder it'll always be there.
Oh OK, thanks Mnuu.

So if you use Ember MM, do you turn off the scrapers in xbmc? And if so, how does the fan art etc appear?

Thanks again,
no changes are need in abmc, no matter what scraper is selected xbmc will look for local content first and only scrape if nothing it found.
It sounds great.

I'm going to have 2 xbmc installations (Lounge and Bedroom), so it would make sense to manage all media content from Ember MM I guess?

Is there any difference "visually" in the content displayed?
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Ember Media Manager NFO/Poster/FanArt Manager for Movies (Open Source VB.NET)24