Alaska Live TV discussion
I have already searched this forum but can not find any information how to enable Live TV Support in Alaska (if it is possible at all). I'm using the latest pvr-testing, any advice how to get support for the live tv in this awesome skin?
Seeing as I don't have any PVR equipment it's unlikely.
Bad news...if I add pvr support to your skin, is it likely you will include it in your repository?
Probably not because I couldn't test it and/or maintain it.
Is there anything that could convince you to bring us pvr support? Maybe you need a DVB USB Stick?
send hitcher a tuner that may work haha
If this will help, I will do it (or better: send him the money he needs for buying a simple one).
@freigeist: so we are two.

Alaska -a very good skin - is only a half skin with the next version of xbmc if pvr support is not builded in...
Hitcher I will buy you a USB tuner or a PCI tuner.. let me know if you'd like...

Or I can get you a NewEgg giftcard so you can buy your own!

it's the least I can do for someone who's made my life a LOT easier! you have a lot of happpy people on this forum and we'd LOVE to see this feature (along with the "play random episode" feature .. *nudge nudge*) In all seriousness though let me know because I have some extra cash (having a good month) and would love to see alaska with some Live TV support!

Thanks a bunch.
^^what 420p said^^ i'd be happy to send you a couple of £ to put towards a tuner of some sort if you could include pvr support in your skin
Thanks for the offers guys. What would you recommend?
Here is the list to pick from:

hitcher> i'm in portsmouth, not too far from you!
HDHomerun is a very popular tuner, especially since it is network based you can use it on any PC on your network... ideal candidate for XBMC.
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
Yeah, but for HDHomerun to work with TVHeadend you need to compile a kernel driver and an userspace app.
Not that that's that much of a problem (3 "thats"? Really?), but I guess users new to linux should include that in their consideration...

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Alaska Live TV discussion1