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[RELEASE] Cinema Experience - the new Home Theater Experience Script
more trivia, will repost in theater pack thread as well, all screenies will be in that thread from now on!

icky you and all involved are rocking legends!!

many thanks

I think the issue is with my slides.xml...

Ok, here's what I've got:

Coke Trivia (example file name: Bond1a.jpg)
Other Trivia (example file name: GobletOfFire_a.jpg)
Stills (No real file structure, just a bunch of images)

My Slides.xml are
Coke Trivia:
        <slide rating="R">
        <question format=".([0-9]{1,3})+a.jpg" />
        <clue format="" />
        <answer format=".([0-9]{1,3})+b.jpg" />

Other Trivia:
        <slide rating="R">
        <question format=".+_a.jpg" />
        <clue format="" />
        <answer format=".+_b.jpg" />

Setting the trivia folder in the addon configuration to any of the Slides (parent), Other Trivia, or Coke Trivia folders causes the addon to do nothing.

Setting the trivia folder to the Stills folder, the addon works properly. I have the rating field turned off.

Is there an issue with my slides.xml?
Could you post your xbmc.log(complete) for when it does not play any of the stills, that would help a lot.
SlaveUnit Wrote:Speaking of... Smile
Any word on the music playlists? Im just curious as to if you have had any looks at it and its difficult or it hasn't been closely looked at yet. No pressure, just curious.

lol... Not fixed yet. I think it might actually be a problem interalliy with XBMC. I think there may be a work around I'll have a better chance to look and see if it works the way I hope this weekend.
giftie Wrote:Could you post your xbmc.log(complete) for when it does not play any of the stills, that would help a lot.


There you go... I hope that's the log level you're looking for. In trying to fix this, I reformatted the Coke Trivia into the same format as the Other Trivia (e.g. Bond1_a.jpg) and modified the slides.xml to be identical.

I also set the Slides (parent) folder as the trivia folder in Cinema Experience.

Appreciate the help!!
msderganc, you need to specify an invalid clue format. i use "N/A", but anything that will not match an image file.

maybe a better change to the script would be

clue_format = re.findall( "<clue format=\"([^\"]*)\" />", xml_data )[ 0 ]

elif ( clue_format and re.search( clue_format, os.path.basename( entry ), re.IGNORECASE ) ):

then leave the non used ones empty as you did.
For python coding questions first see http://mirrors.xbmc.org/docs/python-docs/
Thanks, I'll try that.

Giftie - you may want to update the first page, as one of the examples lists a clue field as I had.
<slides rating="PG" theme="Star Wars">
        <question format="[0-9]+Q.jpg"/>
        <clue format=""/>
        <answer format="[0-9]+A.jpg"/>

    <slide rating="PG" theme="Star Wars">
        <question format="[0-9]+Q.jpg"/>
        <clue format=""/>
        <answer format="[0-9]+A.jpg"/>

# fetch data
            xml = open( os.path.join( path[ "path" ], "slides.xml" ) ).read()
            # parse info
            mpaa, theme, question_format, clue_format, answer_format = re.search( "<slides?(?:.+?rating=\"([^\"]*)\")?(?:.+?theme=\"([^\"]*)\")?.*?>.+?<question.+?format=\"([^\"]*)\".*?/>.+?<clue.+?format=\"([^\"]*)\".*?/>.+?<answer.+?format=\"([^\"]*)\".*?/>", xml, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE ).groups()
            # compile regex's for performance
            if ( question_format ):
                question_format = re.compile( question_format )
            if ( clue_format ):
                clue_format = re.compile( clue_format )
            if ( answer_format ):
                answer_format = re.compile( answer_format )

if ( question_format and question_format.search( os.path.basename( entry ), re.IGNORECASE ) ):

giftie this is what i'm using, it support new slides.xml and old format slides.xml. it now allows user to leave the regex's blank to skip them. makes more sense this way.
For python coding questions first see http://mirrors.xbmc.org/docs/python-docs/
Can someone post the naming convention required for the proper use of the sound videos (DTS, etc.)?
new trivia


GJones Wrote:Can someone post the naming convention required for the proper use of the sound videos (DTS, etc.)?

No naming convention on the files themselves are needed. Just need proper names on the folders they are in. This is from the threads first page.

Main - Intel E6750 C2D (2.66ghz)/Geforce 240
Bedroom - Intel E3300 C2D (2.5ghz)/Geforce 210
Guest Bedroom - Acer Revo 1600/ION LE
Test Desktop - Intel Q9300 C2Q (2.5ghz)/Geforce 9600 GSO
may i be as bold as to request 1 feature to be added please
to add a option called countdown and for that to be the VERY LAST THING to be played before the movie starts

many thanks

Does anyone have the same issue as i do when i have videos set to play before the film and also slide shows the audio sound goes down way low for the videos i can adjust this and try to keep as default but always goes back to the low db.
commoman81 Wrote:Does anyone have the same issue as i do when i have videos set to play before the film and also slide shows the audio sound goes down way low for the videos i can adjust this and try to keep as default but always goes back to the low db.

Hmm I havent had this issue. I know in the old version it always was at 50%. But as far as this new version mine has always stayed to the percentage I have set it to.
Main - Intel E6750 C2D (2.66ghz)/Geforce 240
Bedroom - Intel E3300 C2D (2.5ghz)/Geforce 210
Guest Bedroom - Acer Revo 1600/ION LE
Test Desktop - Intel Q9300 C2Q (2.5ghz)/Geforce 9600 GSO
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[RELEASE] Cinema Experience - the new Home Theater Experience Script24