Alaska viewtype mod

I've made a small skin mod for my Alaska Revisited and I want to share my ideas with you.

Basicly I change few things in existing viewmodes. For example in viewtype_Logo I changed fixedlist to wraplist so now i can scroll series without interrupt. Also I removed title from upper left corner.
I incresed cap between Logo and reflection andnow they match to the my background image.


I added a new viewtype files_Logo that adds tv series Logo to upper left corner.


Would love to add the logo to my season view like you did, can you post the changes you made?
Oh, I like this too. It's times like this I wish we could pressure Hitcher to open his code back up for one... more... view.


I guess this is why a skin is never truly finished.
Hitcher, thanks for the editing my post.

mcorcoran Wrote:Would love to add the logo to my season view like you did, can you post the changes you made?

To mcorcoran:
Here are the lines I added to viewtype_files.

                <control type="image">
                    <texture background="true">$INFO[ListItem.FolderName]/logo.png</texture>
                    <aspectratio align="left" aligny="center">keep</aspectratio>
                <control type="image">
                    <texture background="true">$INFO[ListItem.FolderName]../logo.png</texture>
                    <aspectratio align="left" aligny="center">keep</aspectratio>

And if you wanna remote the title from upper left, you'll have to remove (mark as comment) line 204 <include>Global_Heading</include> at end of MyVideoNav.xml

Here is my codes:
Logo Wrap
Files Logo
FArmy Wrote:And if you wanna remote the title from upper left, you'll have to remove (mark as comment) line 204 <include>Global_Heading</include> at end of MyVideoNav.xml

This is found on line 202 in my version of MyVideoNav.xml. I'm using Notepad++, so perhaps your editor doesn't consider word-wrap when counting lines?
This mod is awesome. It's going to take some playing for me, since I just applied your changes to the "Viewtype_Panel_Wide" section, and the logo ("Dexter", ftw) takes over some space from the episode title, but it looks simply amazing.

I do have a question, however, for whoever can answer. I needed to go into the advanced settings to download the logos... Does this mean that anytime I want to add a new show, I'd need to do the same to run the script? If so, is there a way to integrate that functionality automatically?

I'm excited to try and 'massage' the views to fit what I want! Just seeing the "Dexter" logo up there was awe-inspiring.

Edit: Ha. I changed the size to 200x50, and it fits in nicely. Sure, not as big, but still. Looks good. Going to do a bit more testing to get it 'just right'.
Seeing those screen shots I've just realised that someone could easily make a Fanart version of Alaska now with the fanart fully visible and changing the colour of the text so it's visible over it.
Hitcher Wrote:Seeing those screen shots I've just realised that I could easily make a Fanart version of Alaska now with the fanart fully visible and changing the colour of the text so it's visible over it.



Seriously. Why wouldn't you?


Besides that, and now that I have you back again, I just noticed something. If I add the code above to the "Viewtype_Poster_Fixed.XML" that I am using, the logo appears above everything once you're inside TV views. Is that normal? (Perhaps I put the info in the wrong spot. I put it as the second line.) Besides that, I noted that you (yourself) have actually coded the logos to be included in the "landscape" view as a small inclusion above the artwork. I massaged the code as follows...


...and managed to get the logo to fit very nicely at the top of the screen. Could we persuade you to integrate that, yourself, into the build, and do away with the tiny logo above that one view? I've tested it, and it seems to not interfere with any of the views, even when you do an "info" on the title.

What do you think?
DurhamDev Wrote:Seriously. Why wouldn't you?

Seriously. No time.

I'm helping finish Ellipsis and working on a new skin at the same time.
Hitcher Wrote:Seriously. No time.

I'm helping finish Ellipsis and working on a new skin at the same time.

Seriously. We all appreciate the work you put into Alaska Revisited. We shall carry on and improve it as required!

* DurhamDev salutes.

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