scan program problem
my xbmc doesnt scan f: in my programs. is this a known bug or is it only me Image
works here,
anybody else?

XBMC Project Founder (Retired), now head programmer of MediaPortal
works for me too.
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still doesn't work for me. it finds apps on e: but none on f: and i probably have 100 games and apps on there.

i have an ibm 120 gb hd and run xbmc from mxm. xbmc is located in f:\apps\xbmc and im using the latest cvs release.

the album art feature doesnt work too well either. only in 1 out of 10 times the album art is saved. some times i need to lookup the album several times before its saved even though it displays the cover when in the review/tracks screen.

it can't only be me having these problems.
same problem here. try to 'go to' f: and scan but still only scans c:. it only finds avalaunch.xbe evolutionx.xbe xboxdash and default.xbe. got 50 games 30 emus and 15 utils.

maybe this should be a seperate thread but;
i have the exact same prob with cddb as described above. it also find 'wrong' cddb info but saves that anyway. is it possible to get the same functionality as in the xbmp-imdb function where you scroll the search result and pick the appropriate one?

(running 8/10 cvs of xbmc, xbox 1.0, 120gb disc)

frodo, do you have a clue about what's causing this problem?
using 10-18 build

still have same problem.
no, dont have any clue.
like i said works for me and some other ppl
maybe it has something todo with
-lba48 ??

XBMC Project Founder (Retired), now head programmer of MediaPortal

i have...

-x2 pro - 4977 bios
-120gb drive
-ir-mod from chiptech (probably no effect?)

-i don't use lba48

do i have to go to f-drive in order to get xbmc to scan f or does the 'scan-button' scan all drives in one batch? as i've said before it only manages to find the apps on c:.
scan will is hardcoded to scan c, e, f.

does your xboxmediacenter.xml possibly not have the use f drive setting?

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if youre refering to this:

<!-- determines which drives 2 use. change this for lba48 !-->

...then above is what i have in my xbmc.xml

and i can browse all drives the normal way. it's just that the shortcut function doesn't seem to go down in folders. recursive or what ever it's called Image
weird.. not sure what is up... works great for me.

looking at the code, there is nothing different in how it scans.

it just looks for all .xbe in all folders starting at c, e, f roots.

i'm really not sure how it is only scanning your c partition.

are you able to create a bookmark to something on your f drive and browse to applications that way?

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jupp... no problem at all.

i used the syntax from one of the auto created shortcuts and changed it to one of my games in f:.

like this:

no, what i meant was are you able to create a "bookmark" that points to just f:\games (in xboxmediacenter.xml) and then browse to the applications(xbe files) in there?

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ok did that, and strange things happen...

created a file named 'games.cut' with the contents:




to and same behaviour

when selecting this, i think xbmc exits to my dash which is xbmp. at least the screen goes black for a couple of secs and the xbmp starts as when i boot up.

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