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[RELEASE] Aeon Nox 2.0 (deprecated)
Big_Noid Wrote:This also doesn't work in Confluence, so I think it is not possible to have fanart on an album level.

OK. I am asking because the only one way I can now change the fanart for music artist is if xbmc pull it itself first from somewhere and store it on the C drive as TBN file.

Then I am checking each TBN file because they are in folder 0-9 and A-Z with weird names.. trying to find the fanart which I want to change/overwrite.

Big Noid - is there any other way?

I mean what file in XBMC has the information - what TBN is for what artist?

I would like to update this list to have fanarts for different artists that havent been pulled automatically by XBMC.

For now.. when there is no artist fanart there is no TBN file on C drive to find and overwrite.
balast Wrote:OK. I am asking because the only one way I can now change the fanart for music artist is if xbmc pull it itself first from somewhere and store it on the C drive as TBN file.

Then I am checking each TBN file because they are in folder 0-9 and A-Z with weird names.. trying to find the fanart which I want to change/overwrite.

Big Noid - is there any other way?

I mean what file in XBMC has the information - what TBN is for what artist?

I would like to update this list to have fanarts for different artists that havent been pulled automatically by XBMC.

For now.. when there is no artist fanart there is no TBN file on C drive to find and overwrite.

As far as I know music fanart is on artist level, so you'd have to choose artist view and then press I on an artist and there you can change fanart.
Hi Big_Noid,

would you like to add german language support to your awesome skin? I'm new to the XBMC scene and I really appreciate your great work. Thats why I would like to give something back e.g. german language files Smile
Very good idea, I could also help Wink

Btw: 0.3 is a very nice update!
Vero 4k+ | OSMC Kodi 19.1
Sony KD-65A1
Bobby Blixberg Wrote:Very good idea, I could also help Wink

Btw: 0.3 is a very nice update!

Yeah, lets build a german translation community for Aeon Nox :p
tone Wrote:Hi Big_Noid,

would you like to add german language support to your awesome skin? I'm new to the XBMC scene and I really appreciate your great work. Thats why I would like to give something back e.g. german language files Smile

You can grab the german language strings.xml from Confluence, as that is my basis, and then add the lines I put in.
I can search for the unlocalized labels and put them in the language xml.
But I can't promise everything will be aligned properly, especially in the media menu.
Big_Noid Wrote:But I can't promise everything will be aligned properly, especially in the media menu.

Yes, that's always a problem we'll have to deal with, if we want multilingual language support.
Maybe you could make a work copy of string.xml in the /language/German folder and run a XML merger every time you insert a new line. With prefix *todo* before the english string or sthg else. That would be great.
little bug:
can't toggle through the several views, while a movie is playing.
bug appears in tvshows and in movie-library.
tone Wrote:Yes, that's always a problem we'll have to deal with, if we want multilingual language support.
Maybe you could make a work copy of string.xml in the /language/German folder and run a XML merger every time you insert a new line. With prefix *todo* before the english string or sthg else. That would be great.

I will put every label that I changed under a separate subsection in the strings.xml

ubuntuf4n Wrote:little bug:
can't toggle through the several views, while a movie is playing.
bug appears in tvshows and in movie-library.

yeah I noticed that also and I can't seem to figure out why this is happening. It always stops on List.
EDIT: If I make it a select button it seems to be fixed.
Has anyone problems with the Youtube Addon? The XBMC doesn't remember the views I've set for the different Youtube pages. It also would be great, if the thumbnails would be 16:9 instead of the "cover-like" display.
Big_Noid Wrote:As far as I know music fanart is on artist level, so you'd have to choose artist view and then press I on an artist and there you can change fanart.

Correct Smile Thanks for this.
For those of you who use the svn version: I just noticed I never added the music flags to google code. It is in the textures.xbt, just not in the svn. I will add these later today.
big noid you have done a really great job with this.
nice smooth interface out of all aeon skins im loving yours the best nice file size too some aeon skins have blown out of control in size when building aeon lite i used aeon showmix 2.1 textures and i noticed a heap of repeated duplicates all over the place its nice to start fresh with aeon so you have control of whats going back into it awesome job mateNod
ZombieRobot Wrote:big noid you have done a really great job with this.
nice smooth interface out of all aeon skins im loving yours the best nice file size too some aeon skins have blown out of control in size when building aeon lite i used aeon showmix 2.1 textures and i noticed a heap of repeated duplicates all over the place its nice to start fresh with aeon so you have control of whats going back into it awesome job mateNod

Thx! Yeah, if you just pick the textures you need, you notice how much textures are duplicates or not needed anyway. And with the texturepacker in dupecheck mode you lose all the double studio logo's and such.
I'm just gonna catch up - is Danofun's Rightlistview implemented in the new version?

on XBMC 10.1 Dharma
Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS - XBMCLive
from FreeNAS 8.0-Release
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[RELEASE] Aeon Nox 2.0 (deprecated)29