2011-02-02, 12:04
Big_Noid Wrote:This also doesn't work in Confluence, so I think it is not possible to have fanart on an album level.
OK. I am asking because the only one way I can now change the fanart for music artist is if xbmc pull it itself first from somewhere and store it on the C drive as TBN file.
Then I am checking each TBN file because they are in folder 0-9 and A-Z with weird names.. trying to find the fanart which I want to change/overwrite.
Big Noid - is there any other way?
I mean what file in XBMC has the information - what TBN is for what artist?
I would like to update this list to have fanarts for different artists that havent been pulled automatically by XBMC.
For now.. when there is no artist fanart there is no TBN file on C drive to find and overwrite.