2011-02-04, 23:44
ameinild Wrote:I'm just gonna catch up - is Danofun's Rightlistview implemented in the new version?
No, it´s not.
ameinild Wrote:I'm just gonna catch up - is Danofun's Rightlistview implemented in the new version?
dascmo Wrote:I don't thing it will ever be implemented as part of the base skin, you would need to add it yourself. I like it too but it needs to be re-implemented as each new release comes out. danofun's instructions still work but you need to find the proper line numbers to add the code, the line numbers in his instructions do not apply to the newer releases.
would it be possible to mark sections in the xml's to indicate what is handled in which area of that particular xml. I noticed some skinners do this and it makes modifications less complicated for those with little to no experience.
- Added: TV Show logo download button in Info screen for tvshows.
- Added: TvTunes support.
- Added: Aeon's Flow/No Flow animation in Showcase views.
- Added: It is now possible to add 3 video playlists to submenu of Movies.
- Added: It is now possible to add 3 video playlists to submenu of TV Shows.
- Added: It is now possible to add 3 music playlists to submenu of Music.
- Added: Video Playlists sub-menu item to Videos menu.
- Added: TV Show logo to Landscape view
- Added: Not Rated flag in VideoInfo / Party mode sub-menu item to Music menu- thx Danofun.
- Fixed: Infopanel visibility when exiting episode or seasons view.
- Repositioned Mediamenu.
- Several fixes and optimizations.
Quote:<visible allowhiddenfocus="true">ControlGroup(7000).HasFocus + !Skin.HasSetting(LockViews)</visible>
Quote:!kiosk mode=
Onright/Onleft bring up options
kiosk mode=
Or maybe just nothing:
kiosk mode=
muzzakus Wrote:Hmm, can't see .5 on there yet so commenting on .4
YouTube keeps switching to wall view constantly. Set it to list or lowlife. Come back in later, wall view.
Any ideas? With the .5 playlist updates and YouTube working properly things would be awesome to the max for me.
SavellM Wrote:Hey Big_Nord.
Nox looks awesome!
How resource intensive is it?
And how big is the Repo?
Wondering if this will work nicely on Apple TV 2?
ubuntuf4n Wrote:Very Nice!In what view it doesn't work? I tested it just now and for me it works in Landscape, Showcase and DVD Case. It's true it's not implemented in music library. I will add that in the music views also.
btw, two little bugs:
1-pressing 'down-down' don't show the fullscreen fanart (working well in DVD-Case and Landscape).
2-While in Programs-->Cinema Experience-->Addons Settings--> while browsing for a Special Intro
the new opened window gets into the background instead of the foreground.
Not sure if this applies for all addons with browsing-functionality.
Revenge Wrote:I have a Atom D525 + Ion 2 and the Skin runs very smooth.
Big_Noid are you thinking of implementing new Languages to the Skin? If so, i can help you with the Portuguese Language.