2011-02-20, 05:24
olafvs Wrote:Don't know if this is already changed but there is a minor error in the translation. It should be (I removed the "te" in the last sentence):
updated now :-)
olafvs Wrote:Don't know if this is already changed but there is a minor error in the translation. It should be (I removed the "te" in the last sentence):
Quote:Transparency! XBMC 팬아트 스킨
Transparency!는 무엇인가? 간단히 말하면, 팬아트 스킨이다. Transparency!의 주 목적은 당신의 팬아트, 전체화면을 모든 보기모드에서 언제나 보여주는 것이다. 또한, XBMC가 제공하는 멋진 새로운 기능들을 모두 지원하기위해 노력한다. xml 코드를 바꾸기 위해 겪는 고통과 필요한 시간을 절약시키기 위해, 모든 새로운 기능들이 스킨에 이미 내장되어 있으며, 기본적으로 미리 설정되어 사용가능하도록 되어있다.
Quote:Transparency! Фан-артовый скин для XBMC
Что такое Transparency!? Короткий ответ: фан-артовый скин. Главная задача Transparency! показывать ваши фан-арты, на полном экране, во всех ракурсах, всё время. Кроме того, мы также пытаемся поддерживать все новые возможности, предоставляемые XBMC. Для сохранения вашего времени и нервов, которые бы вы потратили, разбираясь в .xml коде, все новые функции уже добавлены в скин, настроены и включены по-умолчанию (ну или почти все.
Quote:Transparency! סקין פאנארט (fanart) ל-XBMC
מה זה Transparency?! התשובה הקצרה: סקין פאנארט. המטרה הראשית של Transparency! היא להראות את הפאנארט שלכם, במסך מלא, בכל אפשרויות התצוגה, כל הזמן. חוץ מזה, הסקין מנסה לתמוך בכל אפשרות חדשה שיש ל-XBMC להציע. כדי לחסוך לכולם המון זמן וצרות בפריצת קוד ה-XML בעצמם, כל האפשרויות החדשות האלה כלולות כבר בסקין, מוגדרות מראש ומופעלות כבררת מחדל (איפה שאפשר.
idoru17 Wrote:I tried to take a look at the translations wiki page to change the string pertaining to exit xbmc as the actual sentence is just plain wrong but I only got that this page is unavailable.
Jono00 Wrote:Here's a Hebrew translation:
Note that Hebrew is written from right to left, so make sure to put punctuation marks to the LEFT of the words.
Hope it helps
Verberzerk Wrote:Thanks for the quick update, Ronie!
I must have done something wrong in updating the translation, i'm afraid. After refreshing my svn i now get english texts (although new dutch strings file has been downloaded).
Sorry for that?!
HcNguyen111 Wrote:I have added a Vietnamese Translation page. There aren't many translations YET, but I hope to finish them, with the help of the rest of the XBMC and Viet community.