2011-03-13, 18:55
FYI - I have this working under 10.1 Confluence w/o any problems (Windows & Live).
tcman47 Wrote:I am getting script error as well, recently had 10 nightly build,now using 10.1, script just doesnt work anymore for me, unin
stalled it and reinstalled, still not working, right now trying to get it to work with aeon 2.7.1
File "C:\Users\xxxx xxxx\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\weather.weatherplus\xbmcplugin_weather.py", line 211, in _fetch_map_list
current_map = maps[ 0 ][ 0 ]
IndexError: list index out of range
File "C:\Users\divingmule\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\weather.weatherplus\WeatherClient.py", line 430, in _get_forecast
sunrise = _localize_unit( str(int(sunrise.split(" ")[3].split(":")[0])-time_diff) + ":" + sunrise.split(" ")[3].split(":")[1], "time" )
IndexError: list index out of range
divingmule Wrote:I was getting the same error as charlieboy. From the log:Code:#
File "C:\Users\xxxx xxxx\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\weather.weatherplus\xbmcplugin_weather.py", line 211, in _fetch_map_list
current_map = maps[ 0 ][ 0 ]
IndexError: list index out of range
As a workaround changing the map selection in weather settings worked.
Now I'm getting a new error, most of the time, sometimes it works fine. Seems to be failing getting the sunrise, sunset times.
Code:File "C:\Users\divingmule\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\weather.weatherplus\WeatherClient.py", line 430, in _get_forecast
sunrise = _localize_unit( str(int(sunrise.split(" ")[3].split(":")[0])-time_diff) + ":" + sunrise.split(" ")[3].split(":")[1], "time" )
IndexError: list index out of range
Thanks for working on this.
brightsr Wrote:Thanks for your post. I'll try to fix it.
And I'll be happy if you can let me know your area code.
NOTICE: [Weather.com+] Area code = USTN0357
NOTICE: [('nashvilles', '702'), ('nashvilles', '702'), ('nashvilles', '702')]
NOTICE: [Weather.com+] video_location : EC Local_location : nashvilles
NOTICE: [Weather.com+] Timezone : 0
brightsr Wrote:[UPDATE] v.1.2.0
- Adjusted : Recently changed map pages and images on weather.com
- Fixed : Misc. Map bugs
- Fixed : Sunrise, Sunset bugs (if fetching sunrise or sunset time failed, it'll appear as "N/A")
*- Added : Portuguese (Brazil), Korean translation for addon settings
Wanilton Wrote:*Language, this is not ok for me, the only file language is english, no Portuguese ou Korean, check please.