Issue with Mediaportal PVR Client
Hi guys, wondering if anyone could help with an issue i'm having with the mediaportal client (both the TSreader and ffmpeg versions). I've got the latest versions installed and they both connect to the mediaportal server however start throwing the following error before eventually giving up

AddOnLog: MediaPortal PVR Client (TSReader): CVTPTransceiver::ReadResponse - timeout waiting for response, retrying

Does anyone know what is causing this and if so how to solve it?
Did you also install and enable the TVServerXBMC plugin for the MediaPortal TVServer? The MediaPortal PVR addon needs this plugin in order to communicate with the TVServer. For a multiseat setup, make sure that XBMC can connect to port 9596 (TVServerXBMC) on your MediaPortal TV Server machine and that it is not blocked by your firewall.
See also the Mediaportal PVR addon documentation for installation info and troubleshooting hints.
Developer of the MediaPortal PVR addon and retired developer of the Argus-TV PVR-addon.
does this work with the new MePo Beta 1.2.0 too?
No. Since there were some changes around the api which should break the TVServer4XBMC Plugin i think it will not work...
Im using mepo 1.2.0 alpha and its working.

Apparently 1.2.0 beta has improved streming performance though. So i think its time margro released an update for his plugin :-) wink wink hehe.
I have to install MePo 1.2 beta first. As far as I know now without testing, the plugin won't work due to the addition of the "Plugin version check" in MePo 1.2b. Ik have to update the TV Server plugin in order to make it compatible again.
So, this adds something to my todo list Wink
Developer of the MediaPortal PVR addon and retired developer of the Argus-TV PVR-addon.
Additionally to the plugin version check there was a small api change. The "Name" Property is deleted since it was redundant to the "DisplayName" Property.
I've not the same problem, but it fits under the same topic name.

When trying to tune to a channel (doesnt matter which one), I get the following error on the xbmc log:

22:31:33 T:5192 M:4294967295   ERROR: CAddonCallbacksPVR - ADDON::CAddonCallbacksPVR::PVRTransferTimerEntry - cannot find channel 268 on client 1
22:33:58 T:5184 M:4294967295   ERROR: CDVDPlayer::OpenDemuxStream - Error creating demuxer

The request to change/tune a channel seems to succeed, I can watch the new created stream via VLC. XBMC itself never plays a channel.

I had similar or the exact same problem with an earlier version of MP/xbmc/addon. But I had no problems when using "ForTheRecord" as Tuner Service.

MediaPortal 1.2 Beta, XBMC-PVR git rev. e7ba398 (28 Apr 2011), MediaPortal - TVServerXBMC plugin v1.1.7.103

Firewalls are both deactivated. Problem reproducable on a second computer.

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Issue with Mediaportal PVR Client0