How to create your own sub menu
Due to popular demand, here's some more information about sub menu's in Transparancy!. This post will be rather straight to the point, but i'm hoping after reading the main tutorial you should be able to customize this the way you want it. If you are having trouble, post here and i'll try to help.
As an example we'll be making 1 Anime home menu, with Anime Series and Anime Movies as sub menu. I was trying to get the main menu item to show both the movies AND the series. But havent been able to get it to work (so far).
The smart playlists
Anime Series.xsp
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="tvshows">
<name>Anime Series</name>
<rule field="path" operator="contains">/Anime/</rule>
<order direction="ascending">tvshow</order>
Anime Movies.xsp
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="movies">
<name>Anime Movies</name>
<rule field="path" operator="contains">/Anime Movies/</rule>
<order direction="ascending">title</order>
The skin configuration, Includes_Home.xm
Main menu item
<item id="16">
You will find this 2 times, once for the vertical menu, once for the horizontal menu.
After, add
<item id="17">
<onclick>ActivateWindow(10025,"special://profile/playlists/video/Anime Series.xsp", return)</onclick>
The sub menus
<include name="SubMenu">
<control type="group" id="8000">
<control type="fixedlist" id="8001">
<visible>Skin.HasSetting(Menu_Videos_Sub) + Container(5040).HasFocus(1)</visible>
Add (Note the HasFocus(17) thingy. the 17 is the id of our main menu item.)
<control type="fixedlist" id="8001">
<include condition="Skin.HasSetting(HorizontalHomeMenu)">HorizontalSubMenuLayout</include>
<include condition="!Skin.HasSetting(HorizontalHomeMenu)">VerticalSubMenuLayout</include>
<item id="8902">
<label>Anime Series</label>
<onclick>ActivateWindow(10025,"special://profile/playlists/video/Anime Series.xsp", return)</onclick>
<item id="8903">
<label>Anime Movies</label>
<onclick>ActivateWindow(10025,"special://profile/playlists/video/Anime Movies.xsp", return)</onclick>