Hi folks,
as I'm interested (as well as other users) in a native Windows build which includes the VNSI client, I'm trying to push this a little further by providing a patch against Pipelka's branch which adds this. I'm posting it here, as I'm not allowed to attach here in the forum. The addon then builds fine, I can even configure it, but it then fails working with a strange "No error" which I'm not able to track down:On the VDR side, I can see that the client tries to connect, (the disconnect messages are logged only after exiting XBMC on the windows host): Can anyone, (perhaps Pipelka, or dushmaniac) shed some light on how to debug this?
P.S. I'll link this thread also to Pipelka on github.
as I'm interested (as well as other users) in a native Windows build which includes the VNSI client, I'm trying to push this a little further by providing a patch against Pipelka's branch which adds this. I'm posting it here, as I'm not allowed to attach here in the forum. The addon then builds fine, I can even configure it, but it then fails working with a strange "No error" which I'm not able to track down:
000001 16:30:46 T:5948 M:442339328 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
000002 16:30:46 T:5948 M:442322944 NOTICE: Starting XBMC, Platform: Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 build 2600. Built on Apr 2 2011 (Git:20110324-e1c4256, compiler 1600)
000003 16:30:46 T:5948 M:442322944 NOTICE: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7500 @ 2.20GHz
000004 16:30:46 T:5948 M:442322944 NOTICE: Desktop Resolution: 1680x1050 32Bit at 59Hz
000005 16:30:46 T:5948 M:442322944 NOTICE: Running with administrator rights
000006 16:30:46 T:5948 M:442318848 NOTICE: Aero is disabled
000007 16:30:46 T:5948 M:442318848 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: C:\Programme\XBMC
000008 16:30:46 T:5948 M:442318848 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: C:\Programme\XBMC
000009 16:30:46 T:5948 M:442318848 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: z:\PortableApps\totalcommanderportable\Data\UserProfile\Anwendungsdaten\XBMC\userdata
000010 16:30:46 T:5948 M:442318848 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: z:\PortableApps\totalcommanderportable\Data\UserProfile\Anwendungsdaten\XBMC
000011 16:30:46 T:5948 M:442318848 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: z:\PortableApps\totalcommanderportable\Data\UserProfile\Anwendungsdaten\XBMC\cache
000012 16:30:46 T:5948 M:442318848 NOTICE: The executable running is: C:\Programme\XBMC\XBMC.exe
000013 16:30:46 T:5948 M:442314752 NOTICE: Log File is located: z:\PortableApps\totalcommanderportable\Data\UserProfile\Anwendungsdaten\XBMC\xbmc.log
000014 16:30:46 T:5948 M:442314752 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
000015 16:30:46 T:5948 M:453734400 NOTICE: Setup SDL
000016 16:30:46 T:5948 M:452108288 NOTICE: Found screen: (Standardmonitor) on NVIDIA Quadro FX 1600M, adapter 0.
000017 16:30:46 T:5948 M:452071424 NOTICE: Primary mode: 1680x1050 @ 59.94 - Full Screen
000077 16:30:55 T:4680 M:421371904 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
000078 16:31:00 T:5432 M:402124800 ERROR: CRemoteControl::Connect - failed to connect
000079 16:31:43 T:5948 M:382889984 ERROR: Previous line repeats 7 times.
000080 16:31:43 T:5948 M:382889984 NOTICE: PVRManager - stopping
000081 16:31:43 T:5948 M:382877696 NOTICE: PVRManager - starting up
000082 16:31:44 T:5728 M:391614464 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
000083 16:31:44 T:5728 M:391614464 ERROR: AddOnLog: xbmc.pvrclient/VDR VNSI Client: No error
000084 16:31:44 T:5728 M:391577600 ERROR: ADDON: Dll VDR VNSI Client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable
000085 16:31:44 T:5728 M:391569408 ERROR: PVR - CPVRClients::LoadClients - can't initialise client 'VDR VNSI Client'
000086 16:31:44 T:5728 M:391495680 NOTICE: PVRManager - no clients enabled. pvrmanager disabled.
000087 16:31:46 T:5432 M:389726208 ERROR: CRemoteControl::Connect - failed to connect
000088 16:33:16 T:5948 M:377171968 ERROR: Previous line repeats 15 times.
000089 16:33:16 T:5948 M:377171968 NOTICE: Storing total System Uptime
000090 16:33:16 T:5948 M:377286656 NOTICE: Saving settings
000091 16:33:16 T:5948 M:377180160 NOTICE: stop all
000092 16:33:16 T:5948 M:377180160 NOTICE: PVRManager - stopping
000093 16:33:16 T:5948 M:377176064 NOTICE: ES: Stopping event server
000094 16:33:17 T:4680 M:375762944 NOTICE: ES: UDP Event server stopped
000095 16:33:17 T:5948 M:375779328 NOTICE: stop sap announcement listener
000096 16:33:17 T:5948 M:375767040 NOTICE: clean cached files!
000097 16:33:17 T:5948 M:375758848 NOTICE: unload skin
000098 16:33:17 T:5948 M:385089536 NOTICE: stop python
000099 16:33:17 T:5948 M:393310208 NOTICE: stopped
000100 16:33:17 T:5948 M:393310208 NOTICE: destroy
000101 16:33:17 T:5948 M:393379840 NOTICE: unload sections
000102 16:33:17 T:5432 M:391696384 ERROR: CRemoteControl::Connect - failed to connect
2011-04-03T16:31:44.974413+02:00 htpc2 vdr: [5295] VNSI: Client with ID 0 connected:
2011-04-03T16:33:17.511591+02:00 htpc2 vdr: [24044] VNSI-Error: cxSocket::read: read() error at 0/4
2011-04-03T16:33:20.050874+02:00 htpc2 vdr: [5295] VNSI: Client with ID 0 seems to be disconnected, removing from client list
2011-04-03T16:33:20.050917+02:00 htpc2 vdr: [5295] VNSI: cConnection::~cConnection()
2011-04-03T16:33:20.050927+02:00 htpc2 vdr: [5295] VNSI: stopping cConnection thread ...
2011-04-03T16:33:20.050937+02:00 htpc2 vdr: [5295] VNSI: done
P.S. I'll link this thread also to Pipelka on github.