2011-04-27, 13:10
Tiny Clanger Wrote:This link is now dead. Does anybody have a mirror of this script, please?
Tiny Clanger Wrote:This link is now dead. Does anybody have a mirror of this script, please?
mortstar Wrote:I've come across a slight bug in the returned episode thumb. I've tested on a stable 10.1 with latest RecentlyAdded script and also on a nightly build 20110426-B39EFDF with functionality added to the core and both display the same problem.
Most of the episode images uploaded to TheTVDB I find completely generic and in no way provoke even the slightest memory as to what the episode was about. Because of this I sometimes change the episode thumb for a locally created version which is a little more helpful.
In Library views these images change fine, however the RecentlyAdded script always returns the first image linked to the episode (usually the TheTVDB remote image, but if this was not available then the auto-created thumb). This is still the case after Textures.db is deleted to try and make sure it is not a caching issue.
ronie Wrote:http://transparency-xbmc.googlecode.com/...-2.1.7.zip
toX_ Wrote:ty - script works with latest unstable build
butchabay Wrote:@michaeldecharon
Not possible as i know. You'll always see recently added movies in your library and not specific for playlists, as they are integrated the same library.
I had a request time ago, so i've tried different workarounds without success.
# sql_episodes = "select * from episodeview %sorder by idepisode desc limit %d" % ( unplayed, self.LIMIT, ) #VIKJON0 20111216
sql_episodes = "select * from episodeview %sgroup by idShow order by idepisode desc limit %d" % ( unplayed, self.LIMIT, ) #VIKJON0 20111216
vikjon0 Wrote:Should I take it this will not be used in Eden?
Quote:all functionality has been incorporated in xbmc itself.Thanks, as I suppose you can see this change will keep only the episode with the highest rowid (newest row hopefully) for each show. Fixing the issue what a drowned added list when a whole season is added.