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[RELEASE] Gamma-X (formerly called "Xbox Net Loader") Xbox game manager and launcher

love the script in thorey..... but cant get the bugger to work!

trying to use the xrp/xiso. server is on. trying to browse server using xrp://

and get connection error every time....

where am i going wrong...

thanks in advance...


i believe i tried to chat with you on irc, but you were in the middle of pinging out Smile and i didn't notice when you came back the second time. anyway xrp browsing when the xrp server is on a windows machine is broken at the moment. (well, it isn't working for me anyway - though it does connect - it might work for you) the xrp server still works, you will just need to create an xrp source manually and set the source and name manually in the 'app config' window and use smb or ftp to browse.
if you have a firewall it may be need port 25000 opened.
also after exiting the pc gui, run it again and make sure it shows it is running. let me know if any of this helps or if you need more help or info.

arrr, that explains the laptop shape dent in my forehead!!!!!!!!

will have anouther go laters, and will try and get ya on irc..

thanks again


right..... can now browse using ftp. cant get sammba to connect.....

can see the iso`s.... have created and xiso and xrp source and set the source before i browse(have tried xrp and xiso)...

whenever i select an iso i get

error: appconfig window

section: oncontrol

check log (i cant find a log file)


thanks again,

could someone tell me how i can get the error log generated by python for scripts. i'm having a problem with the xbmc updater and i wanted to post the log here. i finally got the xml set up correctly, but now i'm getting an error on line 47: smbbrowser has no attribute 'close'

i checked out browsers.py in the xnlmodules folder, and there isn't a close defined in the smbbrowser section. i tried inserting a definition for close similar to that of ftpbrowser and xrpbrowser, but to no avail. i'd appreciate any help. thanks.

that was my bad. i got it working. i just needed to restart xbmc.

XBMC Skinning Scripts Plugins
"No, I won't hold your hand."

after the error and the script is closed press the little white button while the script is highlighted to view the error output.
@ ruuk:
i´ve got an error (log) when i try to start the savegame-manager:
"title meta decode error - titleid: titleid + nameerror - global name "titleid" is not defined"

where is the log stored on the hd? so i can give you the complete logfile. i don´t want to share games over the network, but i want to manage my savegames (copy, zip, delete)

gamma-x 0.955b (newest version)
xbmc 21.11.05 t3ch
no internet connection (xbox)
never set up gamma-x or xnetload before
Philips TV with Kodi 21.1 with IPTVsimple --- AndroidTablet with 21.1 as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
hmm, now it doesn't look like my exceptions or copies are working. here's my xml:
Quote:<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<xbmc_dir path = "e:\apps" />
<source url="smb://"computer";"user":"pass"@" />
<file path="xbmc\xboxmediacenter.xml" />
<file path="xbmc\filezilla server.xml" />
<file path="xbmc\skin\project mayhem iii\pal\dialogsubmenu.xml" />
<file path="xbmc\skin\project mayhem iii\pal\home.xml" />
<dir path="xbmc\scripts" />
<dir path="xbmc\thumbs" />
<dir path="xbmc\albums" />
<dir path="xbmc\screenshots" />
<file name="default.xbe" dest="c:\xbmc.xbe" />

just a note: i had to change the path on my server where the files were stored. they were in x:/xbmc, but i moved them to x:/xbmc/xbmc because the files in the first directory were not being copied when i tried to update. also, which is the correct syntax, <file name="" /> or <file path="" /> i've seen examples of both used here.

XBMC Skinning Scripts Plugins
"No, I won't hold your hand."

leave off the "xbmc\" as in "xboxmediacenter.xml" instead of "xbmc\xboxmediacenter.xml"
the paths are relative to the xbmc dir.

that should make the exceptions work.

double check whether the copy is working. your xml looks fine there. if it doesn't work try c:xbmc.xbe (i'm not sure if that should work but give it a go)

let me know what happens and i'll look into it if i have to. i don't believe i've specifically tested copying to the root of a drive, so who knows Smile

<file path="" /> is the only correct form for exceptions.
the example file that comes with the script has the correct forms.

that's a bug, thanks for finding it Smile
click this to download xsave.py and put it in the xnmodules dir.


that should fix the problem. it will be in the next release that i will put up today or tomorrow.


Quote:that's a bug, thanks for finding it
thank you for writing this script :bowdown:

the new xsave.py works fine Smile
but your path must be:
the dot replaced with an /

Philips TV with Kodi 21.1 with IPTVsimple --- AndroidTablet with 21.1 as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
i even put bugs in my html. i'm that cool Cool

stupid request... anybody used quix? i used to use it to get a list of my games and save it as html... how hard would a plug for this be to do that?
new version 0.996b

+bunch of fixes to xbmc update utility
+better error handling for net loader
+better error handling and info for xbmc update utility
+fixed a bug that showed up with some saves in the save manager
+fixed other bugs

get it here: 2ndmind.net/xnetload

enjoy (and thanks for bearing with me)

i'd be willing to add something that created a list from games configured with gamma-x. (after i'm sure that the recent work on gamma-x is stable). that wouldn't be too hard. games that are just on the drive would be a little more work Smile

(ruuk @ nov. 26 2005,04:38 Wrote:harshreality:
i'd be willing to add something that created a list from games configured with gamma-x. (after i'm sure that the recent work on gamma-x is stable). that wouldn't be too hard. games that are just on the drive would be a little more work Smile

maybe have it hit the games listing used by xbmc shortcut to use as a reference.... t6hanks though looking forward to seeing anything you can come up with!
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[RELEASE] Gamma-X (formerly called "Xbox Net Loader") Xbox game manager and launcher0