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[RELEASE] Movie Quiz - how well do you know your movie collection?
Tommy, here are the strings translated into neutral Spanish:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<strings xmlns:xsi=""
    <!-- -->
    <string id="30000">Pregunta %d de %d</string>
    <string id="30001">Correcto:</string>
    <string id="30002">Incorrecto:</string>
    <string id="30003">Juego Terminado</string>
    <string id="30004">Su puntuación fue %d de %d</string><!-- 1st %d is score, 2nd %d is total question -->

    <string id="30005">Especiales</string><!-- same value as id="20381" in main xbmc strings.xml -->
    <string id="30006">Temporada %i</string><!-- same value as id="20358" in main xbmc strings.xml -->
    <string id="30007">%B %e, %Y</string><!-- episode first aired date format: -->
    <string id="30008">[b]Cargando[/b]</string>

    <!-- Menu -->
    <string id="30100">Jugar Movie Quiz</string>
    <string id="30101">Jugar TV Quiz</string>
    <string id="30102">Configuración</string>
    <string id="30103">Salir</string>

    <string id="30110">[b]Trivia de la colección de Películas[/b]</string>
    <string id="30111">%d películas</string><!-- %d is movie count -->
    <string id="30112">%d actores</string><!-- %d is actor count -->
    <string id="30113">%d directores</string><!-- %d is director count -->
    <string id="30114">%d estudios</string><!-- %d is studio count -->
    <string id="30115">%d horas de entretenimiento</string>

    <string id="30120">[b]Trivia de la colección de Shows de TV[/b]</string>
    <string id="30121">%d Shows de TV</string><!-- %d is TV show count -->
    <string id="30122">%d temporadas</string><!-- %d is season count -->
    <string id="30123">%d episodios</string><!-- %d is episodes count -->

    <!-- Movie Questions -->
    <string id="30400">¿Cuál película es esta?</string>
    <string id="30401">En cuál película no aparece [b]%s[/b]?</string><!-- %s is actor name -->
    <string id="30402">¿En qué año se estrenó [b]%s[/b]?</string><!-- %s is movie title -->
    <string id="30403">¿Cuál slogan le corresponde a [b]%s[/b]?</string><!-- %s is movie title -->
    <string id="30404">¿Quién dirigió [b]%s[/b]?</string><!-- %s is movie title -->
    <string id="30405">¿Cuál estudio publicó [b]%s[/b]?</string><!-- %s is movie title -->
    <string id="30406">¿Quién es este actor/actriz?</string>
    <string id="30407">¿Quién interpreta a [b]%s[/b] en [b]%s[/b]?</string><!-- 1st %s is role, 2nd %s is movie title -->
    <string id="30408">¿Quién provee la voz para [b]%s[/b] en [b]%s[/b]?</string><!-- 1st %s is role, 2nd %s is movie title -->
    <string id="30409">¿De cuál película es esta cita?</string>
    <string id="30410">¿Cuál película es la más reciente?</string>
    <string id="30411">¿Cuál película no fue dirigida por [b]%s[/b]?</string><!-- %s is director name -->
    <string id="30412">¿Cuál actor/actriz aparece en todas estas películas?</string>
    <string id="30413">¿Cuál actor/actriz aparece en [b]%s[/b] además de [b]%s[/b]?</string><!-- 1st %s is movie title, 2nd %s is actor name -->
    <string id="30414">¿Cuál película tiene la mayor duración?</string>

    <!-- TV show Questions -->
    <string id="30450">¿Cuál es este show de TV?</string>
    <string id="30451">¿Cuál temporada de [b]%s[/b] es esta?</string><!-- %s is tvshow title -->
    <string id="30452">¿Cuál episodio de [b]%s[/b] es este?</string><!-- %s is tvshow title -->
    <string id="30453">¿Cuándo salió al aire por primera vez el episodio [b]%s[/b] del show [b]%s[/b]?</string><!-- 1st %s is episode, 2nd %s is tvshow title -->
    <string id="30454">¿Cuándo salió al aire por primera vez [b]%s[/b]?</string><!-- %s is tvshow title -->
    <string id="30455">¿Quién interpreta a [b]%s[/b] en [b]%s[/b]?</string><!-- 1st %s is role, 2nd %s is tvshow title -->
    <string id="30456">¿Quién provee la voz para [b]%s[/b] en [b]%s[/b]?</string><!-- 1st %s is role, 2nd %s is tvshow title -->

    <!-- Settings strings -->
    <string id="30500">General</string>
    <string id="30501">Películas</string>
    <string id="30502">Shows de TV</string>
    <string id="30503">Descargas</string>

    <string id="30510">Limitar cantidad de preguntas</string>
    <string id="30511">Límite de Preguntas</string>
    <string id="30512">Limitar selección de películas en base a calificación MPAA</string>
    <string id="30513">Calificación MPAA máxima</string>
    <string id="30514">Mostrar la respuesta correcta cuando conteste incorrectamente</string>
    <string id="30515">Sólo utilizar películas ya vistas en las preguntas</string>
    <string id="30516">Limitar la selección de los shows de TV basado en la calificación del Contenido</string>
    <string id="30517">Calificación de Contenido máxima</string>
    <string id="30519">Descargar datos de IMDB...</string>
    <string id="30520">Descargando datos de IMDB...</string>
    <string id="30521">Recuperados %d de %d mb.</string>
    <string id="30522">Algunas preguntas requieren de datos locales adicionales,</string>
    <string id="30523">los cuales pueden ser descargados abajo:</string>

    <string id="39999">Traducido por Tommy Winther</string>


Thanks Bart, I will add the translation in the next version.
Before I go and try and debug this. Is it working at all in Dharma 10.1? I don't get past the 'Loading...' screen once I click on Movie Trivia. At that time it also keeps me from exiting the script. The navigation sounds are there, and I can actually navigate the script's screen, but can't exit.

This is on Win7 x64 running Dharma 10.1
Hi sirmeili,
Yes I use it all the time on Dharma 10.1 on linux though both 32 and 64 bit.
Please have a look in the xbmc.log and send me any error message.
twinther Wrote:Hi sirmeili,
Yes I use it all the time on Dharma 10.1 on linux though both 32 and 64 bit.
Please have a look in the xbmc.log and send me any error message.

There were no errors persay, but I noticed that it pegs my cpu at about 65% (not normal) and when looking at the log, it is just a bunch of queries to XBMc. It appears that it might be stuck in an infinite loop. Here are some of the queries. My log file grew to over 50MB, so if you want that, I will send it to you, but thought this little sample might be enough:

14:32:34 T:5760 M:993923072   ERROR: CLocalizeStrings::ClearBlock: Trying to clear non existent block C:\Users\Frank\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.moviequiz
14:32:34 T:396 M:993980416   ERROR: Previous line repeats 3 times.
14:32:34 T:396 M:993980416  NOTICE: DbException in <class 'quizlib.question.WhatActorIsInTheseMoviesQuestion'>:
                                                        SELECT a.idActor, a.strActor
                                                        FROM movieview mv, actorlinkmovie alm, actors a
                                                        WHERE mv.idMovie = alm.idMovie AND alm.idActor = a.idActor AND mv.strFileName NOT LIKE '%.nfo'
                                                          AND mv.playCount IS NOT NULL
                                                        GROUP BY alm.idActor HAVING count(mv.idMovie) >= 3 ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1
14:32:34 T:396 M:993980416  NOTICE: Executing fetchone SQL [
                                                        SELECT alm.idActor, a.strActor, alm.strRole, mv.idMovie, mv.c00 AS title, mv.strPath, mv.strFileName, mv.c14 AS genre
                                                        FROM movieview mv, actorlinkmovie alm, actors a
                                                        WHERE mv.idMovie=alm.idMovie AND alm.idActor=a.idActor AND alm.strRole != '' AND mv.strFileName NOT LIKE '%.nfo'
                                                          AND mv.playCount IS NOT NULL
                                                        ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1
14:32:34 T:396 M:993980416  NOTICE: DbException in <class 'quizlib.question.WhoPlayedRoleInMovieQuestion'>:
                                                        SELECT alm.idActor, a.strActor, alm.strRole, mv.idMovie, mv.c00 AS title, mv.strPath, mv.strFileName, mv.c14 AS genre
                                                        FROM movieview mv, actorlinkmovie alm, actors a
                                                        WHERE mv.idMovie=alm.idMovie AND alm.idActor=a.idActor AND alm.strRole != '' AND mv.strFileName NOT LIKE '%.nfo'
                                                          AND mv.playCount IS NOT NULL
                                                        ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1
14:32:34 T:396 M:993980416  NOTICE: Executing fetchall SQL [
                                                        SELECT a.idActor, a.strActor
                                                        FROM movieview mv, actorlinkmovie alm, actors a
                                                        WHERE mv.idMovie = alm.idMovie AND alm.idActor = a.idActor AND mv.strFileName NOT LIKE '%.nfo'
                                                          AND mv.playCount IS NOT NULL
                                                        GROUP BY alm.idActor HAVING count(mv.idMovie) >= 3 ORDER BY random() LIMIT 10
14:32:34 T:396 M:998166528  NOTICE: QuestionException in <class 'quizlib.question.ActorNotInMovieQuestion'>: Didn't find any actors with photoFile
14:32:34 T:396 M:998359040  NOTICE: Executing fetchone SQL [
                                                        SELECT mv.idFile, mv.c00 AS title, mv.c07 AS year, mv.strPath, mv.strFileName
                                                        FROM movieview mv WHERE mv.c07 > 1900 AND mv.strFileName NOT LIKE '%.nfo'
                                                          AND mv.playCount IS NOT NULL
                                                        ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1
14:32:34 T:396 M:999014400  NOTICE: DbException in <class 'quizlib.question.WhatYearWasMovieReleasedQuestion'>:
                                                        SELECT mv.idFile, mv.c00 AS title, mv.c07 AS year, mv.strPath, mv.strFileName
                                                        FROM movieview mv WHERE mv.c07 > 1900 AND mv.strFileName NOT LIKE '%.nfo'
                                                          AND mv.playCount IS NOT NULL
                                                        ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1
14:32:34 T:5760 M:1004195840  NOTICE: stop python
14:32:34 T:396 M:1004331008  NOTICE: Executing fetchall SQL [
                                                        SELECT DISTINCT a.idActor, a.strActor
                                                        FROM actors a, actorlinkmovie alm, movieview mv
                                                        WHERE a.idActor = alm.idActor AND alm.idMovie=mv.idMovie AND mv.strFileName NOT LIKE '%.nfo'
                                                         AND mv.playCount IS NOT NULL
                                                        ORDER BY random() LIMIT 10

Any ideas? does the script have to scan the whole DB the first time it loads up or something and that is why it pegs the cpu? It seems like I am getting a lot of errors about there not being actor images and stuff like that. I'd love to start using this, but can't seem to get it to work (I've so far tested it on 2 different installs of XBMC).
Hi Sirmeli,
It sounds like you don't have much movies in your movie library database or that they don't contain a lot of information. The quiz tries to find a valid question again and again, and it appears it is never able to find any questions based on your data.

How many movies do you have and what scraper did you use?

If you don't mind you can send me your MyVideosXX.db and I can do some tests with your data.

Hey twinther,

thanks for your work on this. I think the biggest enhancement
would be a sound effect for correct and incorrect answers and maybe
some music while answering?

I haven't been able to select the 'tv shows' option, is that just a placeholder
or does it in fact work?

Also, way back when I had installed the two zips, is there any drawback to this?
Should I remove them and let the repo add them if necessary? I kind of want to re-install the whole plugin just to make sure I dont have any corruption, how would I go about uninstalling those pieces?

Hey twinther - good work. I agree it is still a beta looking thing; but I also agree this has awesome potential.

A few notes;

- The Correct/Wrong icon that appears - make it appear in right side of the screen, down on top of the answers (empty space for the most part). It is annoying to move your focus that far (from the lower left to the top right) all the time.

- Set the selection to the top at the start of each answer. Everytime you've answered a question, the selection should jump to the top (first option).

- Would me nice if it was possible to enable and disable types of questions. E.g. I have NO idea what studios released what movies. The questions just bother me.

- Ultimately, it would be clever if you can set a music playlist to play in the background, while quizzing. This, of course, would be muted when you are guessing what movie is playing.

- I'll see if I can find the time to make a 1080p background for you - so us Aeon users can have something awesome to look at, if we place it in the main menu.

Godt arbejde.
Here is a backdrop of Aeon users;

Edited: Changed the picture, wasn't satisfied. Now is more like it.
twinther Wrote:Hi Sirmeli,
It sounds like you don't have much movies in your movie library database or that they don't contain a lot of information. The quiz tries to find a valid question again and again, and it appears it is never able to find any questions based on your data.

How many movies do you have and what scraper did you use?

If you don't mind you can send me your MyVideosXX.db and I can do some tests with your data.


Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I am using the standard scrapers ( and I have 55 movies (roughly).

How can I send you the DB file?
Im getting "Dependencies not met" when trying to install 0.3.2 on the latest nightly build.
I have used this method to install XBMC:
Am I missing something? All I have to do, is download and install it, right?

BTW, im on Ubuntu 10.10 x64
bluenote Wrote:Hey twinther,

thanks for your work on this. I think the biggest enhancement
would be a sound effect for correct and incorrect answers and maybe
some music while answering?

I haven't been able to select the 'tv shows' option, is that just a placeholder
or does it in fact work?

Also, way back when I had installed the two zips, is there any drawback to this?
Should I remove them and let the repo add them if necessary? I kind of want to re-install the whole plugin just to make sure I dont have any corruption, how would I go about uninstalling those pieces?


Hi bluenote,
Thanks for your feedback. I'm revamping and changing various things and I'm trying to incorporate some of your ideas.

There is no drawback to using the zips. It will automatically update to the latest version using the repo.

AoOs Wrote:Here is a backdrop of Aeon users;

Edited: Changed the picture, wasn't satisfied. Now is more like it.

Hi AoOs,
Thanks for the picture. I'll try to incorporate it and your other suggestions. Some things are just not possible, like playing music in the background. XBMC only allows one player at a time and if a player is active no sound effects are played.
sirmeili Wrote:Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I am using the standard scrapers ( and I have 55 movies (roughly).

How can I send you the DB file?

Hi sirmeili.
I think it's easiest to use something like rapidshare, megaupload or something like that.

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[RELEASE] Movie Quiz - how well do you know your movie collection?5