please ignore this 'false' bug report as i wrote it while i had not uploaded the win32 codec package from mplayer and this is why i had so many bugs...
so to all having troubles with their streams : make sure you have uploaded the codecs in the appropriate dir :-)
here is a copy of a 'bug report' already posted on source forge and linked to tv streaming
with 12.02.2004 build we had identified that some
streams worked (their name start with -- in the
package you can find on and the others would tend to hang up the xbox.
with latest build from today 27.02.2004, it seems to be
nearly the opposite : those streams that were buggy
(without --, for example wam tv from gb or zdf from
germany) now are watchable, wherease the previous
ones that worked (starting with --) now mostly (i
haven't tested all of them) hang up the xbox. funny
part is that those that worked initially (take vpro or viva
from germany) now are initiated with sound only (like a
radio stream) and when you stop them the xbox would
hang up after 15-20 sec. god (and the devs know
why :-))
i hope this is clear
and good luck + congratulations to the team for this
new amazing streaming tool. i did some side by side
testing and xbmc seem to get better streaming results
(keeping the stream) that my standard pc :-)