mediaportal - more record options

In original mediaportal, you have a lot of record options (like "always record this show" or "record this channel at the same time every week"), while on XBMC front end you have only record once option.

Is there a chance that multiple recording options would come?
Also, when you press record button while watching TV, it asks you if you want to record current show (automatically stop when current show ends) or manually (record until stopped).

I guess that XBMC always record manually?
Xbmc pvr still has a long way to go matejdro, and development is moving at a snails pace. Expect recording options to become MUCH better, but it will take a while for that to be addressed. Xbmc itself in trac has been sitting at 92-93% complete for months now...Pvr hasn't been merged with main development yet, I suspect that after the release of eden, pvr development will take off.

loggio Wrote:Xbmc pvr still has a long way to go matejdro, and development is moving at a snails pace. Expect recording options to become MUCH better, but it will take a while for that to be addressed. Xbmc itself in trac has been sitting at 92-93% complete for months now...Pvr hasn't been merged with main development yet, I suspect that after the release of eden, pvr development will take off.


any idea if there's been any communication from the devs on Eta's? It was announced as a coming soon feature in feb 2010 yet there's not been much communication since (or i missed it)

lol get use to it. It's all open source develoment, the developers do this in their free time, not full time. So... Who knows, could be 2 years from now.

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