Just tried this skin last night... I like it, and I did not expect to since it does not have all the eye candy I usually look forward to - yes, that is a compliment
I think this skin can be awesome with some built-in customizations enabled for users.
I have a few feature requests that should hopefully still be inline with the overall style and methodology...
1) Can you make the initial screen after starting open with the main menu shown? This will be helpful for new users, guests, etc.
2) Can you make the home screen modular so we can pick which 'Recent' items rows we want to hide? (this leads into, compliments #3 below)
3) Allow replacement of user selected 'Recent' rows on the home screen with other things... Weather forecast, direct links to Favorites, custom user definable row, etc?
Always see the current weather on the home screen.
Kids Videos (Favorite) shows the most popular/played videos
-- Having Favorites on the home screen helps with less clicks and less confusion for guests and family. Currently, Favorites are essentially "hidden" since unless someone knows exactly what a favorite is they will have no clue to go there when all other menus items are seemingly shown directly on the menu
4) Allow users to to customize the Home slide out menu. Remove items and Add new menu items. Example: I'd remove "Favorites" and add direct links to them. Reduces clicks and confusion as stated above.