2011-09-23, 20:28
iscraigh Wrote:Still not having any luck installing, when I follow your commands I get..
Code:craig@LR-frontend:/$ sudo git clone https://github.com/tsp/xbmc.git
Cloning into xbmc...
remote: Counting objects: 146384, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (50429/50429), done.
remote: Total 146384 (delta 103449), reused 131530 (delta 92946)
Receiving objects: 100% (146384/146384), 286.94 MiB | 2.74 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (103449/103449), done.
craig@LR-frontend:/$ cd xbmc/
craig@LR-frontend:/xbmc$ ./bootstrap
./bootstrap: 5: autoreconf: not found
craig@LR-frontend:/xbmc$ ls
addons CONTRIBUTORS gitrev.sh LICENSE.GPL media README.linux system XBMC-ATV2.xcodeproj
bootstrap copying.txt keymapping.txt m4 project README.osx tools XBMC-IOS.xcodeproj
build-aux docs language Makefile.in README.armel README.ubuntu userdata XBMC.xcodeproj
configure.in doxygen_resources lib Makefile.include.in README.ios sounds xbmc xbmc-xrandr.c
What am I missing?
Ignore this I had not installed the build dependancies.
Also for other rookies I had to run the bootstrap/configure commands as sudo
You had to run the bootstrap/configure commands as sudo because you grabbed the repository as sudo, so your local user didn't have permissions to write to the directory. You can fix this in the future by doing a
sudo chown -R username.usernmae directory
username obviously being your local user and directory being the xbmc directory.