2011-11-01, 23:20
Superseded by the Skin Widgets Addon post 4th Oct 2012.
All credits for this script go to ronie and `Black.
Original post -
So I've just read about this new feature and quite honestly think it's brilliant and would be a very welcome addition to XBMC. For those of you who don't know what it is read on.
Now I know we can use partially watched videos but have no idea how we could get in progress TV shows to display the next episode.
Opinions please.
XBMC EDEN: http://mirrors.xbmc.org/addons/eden/script.watchlist/
Frodo Nightly Builds: https://github.com/XBMC-Addons/script.wa.../downloads
All credits for this script go to ronie and `Black.
1. Introduction
2. Running the addon
3. Available infolabels
1. Introduction:
This script will return:
- a list containing the first unwatched episode of TV Shows you are watching.
- a list of movies that are partially watched.
- a list of most played albums
The episode list is sorted by watch date of the previous episode:
if you've watched 'South Park' yesterday and 'House' the day before,
'South Park' will be the first item on the list and 'House' the second one.
The movie list is also sorted by watch date.
The album list is sorted by playcount.
2. Running the addon:
run the script with the options you need:
3. Available infolabels:
WatchList_Movie.%d.Label - movie title
WatchList_Movie.%d.Year - year of release
WatchList_Movie.%d.Genre - movie genre
WatchList_Movie.%d.Studio - movie studio
WatchList_Movie.%d.Plot - movie plot
WatchList_Movie.%d.PlotOutline - movie plotoutline
WatchList_Movie.%d.Tagline - movie tagline
WatchList_Movie.%d.Runtime - duration of the movie
WatchList_Movie.%d.Rating - movie rating
WatchList_Movie.%d.Fanart - movie fanart
WatchList_Movie.%d.Thumb - movie thumbnail
WatchList_Movie.%d.Path - movie filename and path
WatchList_Episode.%d.Label - episode title
WatchList_Episode.%d.Episode - episode number
WatchList_Episode.%d.Season - season number
WatchList_Episode.%d.EpisodeNo - season/episode number (sxxexx)
WatchList_Episode.%d.Plot - episode plot
WatchList_Episode.%d.TVShowTitle - tv show title
WatchList_Episode.%d.Path - episode filename and path
WatchList_Episode.%d.Rating - episode rating
WatchList_Episode.%d.Thumb - episode thumbnail
WatchList_Episode.%d.SeasonThumb - season thumbnail
WatchList_Episode.%d.TvshowThumb - tv show thumbnail
WatchList_Episode.%d.Fanart - tv show fanart
WatchList_Episode.%d.IsResumable - indicates if it's a partially watched episode (True/False)
WatchList_Album.%d.Label - name of the album
WatchList_Album.%d.Artist - album artist
WatchList_Album.%d.Genre - album genre
WatchList_Album.%d.Year - year of release
WatchList_Album.%d.Album_Label - recordlabel
WatchList_Album.%d.Album_Description - album review
WatchList_Album.%d.Rating - rating of the album
WatchList_Album.%d.Thumb - album thumbnail
WatchList_Album.%d.Fanart - artist fanart
WatchList_Album.%d.Path - can be used to play the album: <onclick>$INFO[Window(Home).Property(WatchList_Album.%d.Path)]</onclick>
WatchList_Running - used by the script internally to check if it's already running
(2011-12-08, 22:12)ronie Wrote: here's the current logic:
- skin runs the script
- script will keep running in the background and monitor for playback ended/stopped notifications
(nothing new so far)
- if the script is executed again, either by the same skin or another skin,
the script will run again and kill the previous instance of the script.
for those who want a property to check if the script is running,
it's there, but not needed at all by the skin.
it's solely used by the script to check if it's already running.
will be True when running, empty if not.
Original post -
So I've just read about this new feature and quite honestly think it's brilliant and would be a very welcome addition to XBMC. For those of you who don't know what it is read on.
Quote:We always strive to make our software easier to use, and one thing we noticed was that in regular usage, certain media consumption patterns emerged that we could take advantage of to make it much easier for people to get to their media more easily. For example, if I want to watch TV, I’m most likely to be interested in seeing the next unwatched episode of a show I’ve watched recently. Easy enough to explain, but in previous versions, you were stuck finding the TV show, going to the right season, and looking for the next unwatched episode. Honestly, I’d rather spend that time opening a beer.
It’s actually easier to explain with a screen capture.
I decided to watch some TV, so i scrolled down to highlight my Television section, and to the right, the media shelf fades in with two areas: On Deck content, and Recently Added content. Just last night, we watched the third episode of West Wing (no spoilers in the comments, please), so Plex is offering me the fourth episode. Two clicks away and I’m watching it, as opposed to (I just counted) fifteen!
A week or two ago, we finished the last episode of the first season of Walking Dead (if you haven’t read the graphic novel, you really should), and so it’s offering me the season premier for the second season. Unfortunately, I have to wait for a guy friend to visit to watch that, since Anna won’t go near zombies.
Before that, I got halfway through a Simpsons episode and then got distracted by zombies or shiny objects, so it’s offering me that half-finished episode next. And so on.
Now I know we can use partially watched videos but have no idea how we could get in progress TV shows to display the next episode.
Opinions please.
XBMC EDEN: http://mirrors.xbmc.org/addons/eden/script.watchlist/
Frodo Nightly Builds: https://github.com/XBMC-Addons/script.wa.../downloads