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Maraschino (formerly HTPC Frontend) - a summary web interface for your XBMC HTPC
I spent some time looking into it and it turns out that Flask can be run on top of CherryPy quite easily...

Edit: CherryPy installation instructions here
Maraschino - a web frontend for your XBMC HTPC
Project homepage | XBMC forum thread
lastimp Wrote:Sorry for the noob questions, but I can't for the life of me get this to run on Ubuntu 10.04 I keep getting...

"You need to specify DATABASE in settings.py"

when I run "python setup.py"

and I do have the Database path specified in "settings.py"

If its not permissions, make sure you installed the SQL piece too.

sudo easy_install Flask-SQLAlchemy
Zenshi Wrote:Also, would it be possible in the near future to use this in a location rather then the root, as I asked a few posts before?

Keep up the good work MrK,


Not sure if you are talking about the actual file locations (maraschino being in the root of the web directories) or if you mean in the URL (http://your_IP_address/).


If you want to locate the files in some other place than /var/www feel free, just make sure you get the permissions right. So you could put them in /maraschino if you wanted to.

Then you have to adjust the Apache config file to reflect the new path to the files.

If you mean "root" in terms of URL... Go to the Apache config file and change it.

WSGIScriptAlias /what/ever/path/you/want/it/to/be /var/www/maraschino/maraschino.wsgi
is the webserver suppose to start upon reboot? mine didn't and I had to start the apache service manually
Zenshi Wrote:Yes, that's the case, I wanna install it on my main web server (testing it on my macbook) but have other things already being served there.
Since you changed things about, how do I change the port now?



Simple change in the Apache config file... as an example.

    Listen 7777
<VirtualHost *:7777>
NO!!!!!!! It doesn't work on Chrome!!!!!

(LOL, you did a ton of work, one can not expect full cross browser compatibility, but I had to say it Wink

Looking incredible Big Grin

I think someone already mentioned the paths in the code. Same issues if you server out of a non root URL with the setup/mod work.
percula Wrote:NO!!!!!!! It doesn't work on Chrome!!!!!

(LOL, you did a ton of work, one can not expect full cross browser compatibility, but I had to say it Wink

Looking incredible Big Grin

I think someone already mentioned the paths in the code. Same issues if you server out of a non root URL with the setup/mod work.

Fully tested in Chrome, it's my browser of choice :p

What's not working for you? Platform / build no?

Perhaps a silly question but have you cleared your cache? That one caught me out after updating - the styling was messed up for me because stylesheets are dynamically generated using the LESS JS script and the old stylesheet was cached.
Maraschino - a web frontend for your XBMC HTPC
Project homepage | XBMC forum thread
Okay, so apparently this project is kinda hard to get running Smile

If anybody is still having problems with Apache then I've just pushed a few changes which make it possible to serve Maraschino using CherryPy. This method is considerably easier and much the same as CouchPotato or SickBeard's installation, so if you've installed either of those then you should be able to get Maraschino running too.

I wrote up the installation method on the project website:


I've tested this method myself and it appears to work a charm, but if anybody decides to try it out for themselves then I'd appreciate feedback (problems encountered, how difficult you found it, etc.)

It's still possible to serve using Apache, by the way, and this is the method that I'll be using personally. Take your pick Smile
Maraschino - a web frontend for your XBMC HTPC
Project homepage | XBMC forum thread
Hey MrK,

Is it possible to have the trakt module showing movies/tv shows recommendations when we're not playing anything?


Zenshi Wrote:Hey MrK,

Is it possible to have the trakt module showing movies/tv shows recommendations when we're not playing anything?



I definitely want to add trakt movie and TV show recommendations - undecided as to whether it should go into the trakt module when not playing or into its own module. I'll probably get round to adding this reasonably soon as it will be fun to do Smile

I'm currently working on a disk space module though, so want to get that finished first. Needs more testing, and as it stands probably doesn't work in Windows...
Maraschino - a web frontend for your XBMC HTPC
Project homepage | XBMC forum thread
mrkipling Wrote:I definitely want to add trakt movie and TV show recommendations - undecided as to whether it should go into the trakt module when not playing or into its own module. I'll probably get round to adding this reasonably soon as it will be fun to do Smile

I'm currently working on a disk space module though, so want to get that finished first. Needs more testing, and as it stands probably doesn't work in Windows...

If you already have a trakt module, why do another one? Big Grin


A "trakt submit/review" module that only appears when watching and a "recommended by trakt" module that is visible at all time... Makes perfect sense to me. Smile

I dont want to throw a spanner in the works for the Disk Space module. But I found this and thought it might be relevant.


Quote:At last, complete cross-platform solution (use standard lib only):
import os
import platform
import ctypes

def get_free_space(folder):
    """ Return folder/drive free space (in bytes)
    if platform.system() == 'Windows':
        free_bytes = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0)
        ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(ctypes.c_wchar_p(folder), None, None, ctypes.pointer(free_bytes))
        return free_bytes.value
        return os.statvfs(folder).f_bfree

Also, seeing as how easy this is to setup Big Grin
Is it worth making an auto Git Clone updater thingy so files get replaced without the end using breaking bits?
I realised that everything is in maraschino.db and it seems this is the only thing that needs to be backed up on a reinstall. Unless further things need to be added into it from the setup.py file in the future.
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Install is really complicated right now (I can manage, but it isn't newb friendly). Isn't there a way to import all easy_installs into your project as libs, so we don't need to pip install them?
Mar2zz Wrote:Install is really complicated right now (I can manage, but it isn't newb friendly). Isn't there a way to import all easy_installs into your project as libs, so we don't need to pip install them?

I just added support for CherryPy (with instructions) which should makes things easier, as it's now pretty much the same process as installing something like CouchPotato.

As for automating the easy_install stuff - I could possibly add them to the setup.py file? Not entirely sure though, seems like if I did that then any one of them could fail, meaning that any subsequent ones wouldn't execute.

Has anyone tried the CherryPy install method yet? If so, how did you find it?
Maraschino - a web frontend for your XBMC HTPC
Project homepage | XBMC forum thread
I am running that method, it's the same as dejavu posted a while back, so much easier even though I have both running now
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Maraschino (formerly HTPC Frontend) - a summary web interface for your XBMC HTPC4