2011-11-15, 22:41
Thank you. I will try later - my wife is looking Dexter right now
spiff Wrote:that being said, you can probably have your property, i'll have to check that we have a dedicated localized string for it.
Hitcher Wrote:Thanks, all good here
def getFeelsLike( T=10, V=25 ):
""" The formula to calculate the equivalent temperature related to the wind chill is:
T(REF) = 13.12 + 0.6215 * T - 11.37 * V**0.16 + 0.3965 * T * V**0.16
T(REF): is the equivalent temperature in degrees Celsius
V: is the wind speed in km/h measured at 10m height
T: is the temperature of the air in degrees Celsius
source: http://zpag.tripod.com/Meteo/eolien.htm
FeelsLike = T
#Wind speeds of 4 mph or less, the wind chill temperature is the same as the actual air temperature.
if round( ( V + .0 ) / 1.609344 ) > 4:
FeelsLike = ( 13.12 + ( 0.6215 * T ) - ( 11.37 * V**0.16 ) + ( 0.3965 * T * V**0.16 ) )
return str( round( FeelsLike ) )
# test FeelsLike and check table in site http://zpag.tripod.com/Meteo/eolien.htm
tCelsius = -10
for windspeed in range( 101 ):
FeelsLike = getFeelsLike( tCelsius, windspeed )
print FeelsLike
print "-"*100
import math
def getDewPoint( Tc=0, RH=93, minRH=( 0, 0.075 )[ 0 ] ):
""" Dewpoint from relative humidity and temperature
If you know the relative humidity and the air temperature,
and want to calculate the dewpoint, the formulas are as follows.
#First, if your air temperature is in degrees Fahrenheit, then you must convert it to degrees Celsius by using the Fahrenheit to Celsius formula.
# Tc = 5.0 / 9.0 * ( Tf - 32.0 )
#The next step is to obtain the saturation vapor pressure(Es) using this formula as before when air temperature is known.
Es = 6.11 * 10.0**( 7.5 * Tc / ( 237.7 + Tc ) )
#The next step is to use the saturation vapor pressure and the relative humidity to compute the actual vapor pressure(E) of the air. This can be done with the following formula.
#RH=relative humidity of air expressed as a percent. or except minimum(.075) humidity to abort error with math.log.
RH = RH or minRH #0.075
E = ( RH * Es ) / 100
#Note: math.log( ) means to take the natural log of the variable in the parentheses
#Now you are ready to use the following formula to obtain the dewpoint temperature.
DewPoint = ( -430.22 + 237.7 * math.log( E ) ) / ( -math.log( E ) + 19.08 )
except ValueError:
#math domain error, because RH = 0%
#return "N/A"
DewPoint = 0 #minRH
#Note: Due to the rounding of decimal places, your answer may be slightly different from the above answer, but it should be within two degrees.
return str( int( DewPoint ) )
# Check Dew Point Calculator with http://www.dpcalc.org/
tCelsius = 10
for humidity in range( 101 ):
DewPoint = getDewPoint( tCelsius, humidity )
print DewPoint
print "-"*100
odoll Wrote:hm, not here - maybe blind, but I just dl'ed the latest win32 nightly build XBMCSetup-20111116-57ba0cb-master.exe
Weather is gone from the main menu, however going to System -> Weather OR System Add-Ons there's non "Weather add-on" to pick?!
Searching Add-Ons for Weather just returns "MEdia sources - DMI TV Vejrudsigt".
Hitcher Wrote:You may need to Force Refresh XBMCs repository for it to show up.
Hitcher Wrote:You may need to Force Refresh XBMCs repository for it to show up.
bcamp929 Wrote:No Fahrenheit?