2011-12-27, 02:39
Jeroen Wrote:I think you mean 256*256 right?
Uhm yes indeed. Small typo
Martijn Wrote:New test version:
When switching from the stable 1.0.3 to the 1.0.4RCx version (won't be visible in xbmc) delete all your extrafanart before running.
Ajedi Wrote:At the moment it starts the addon but downloads only 2 images per tv-show and 2 per movie. While there are more for those movies and shows. is this a setting? how do i get more fanart?
Im using the latest version of artwork downloader you added here.
Martijn Wrote:Could you show me your full debug log while running it?
Remember this is just a beta
Ajedi Wrote:sure i can me a debug log, do you want me to start from scratch again? removing all downloaded fanart?
Martijn Wrote:No not necessary. Just another run would be fine without removing anything
Ajedi Wrote:http://paste.ubuntu.com/787968/
there ya go, let me know what you think thanks!
Martijn Wrote:## - Extrafanart Max = 2
Well there's your problem. Change the setting in add-on settings
I'm just glad it had run without failure
Ajedi Wrote:I never doubt your skill
could you tell me were this setting is? cant seem to find it.
Martijn Wrote:Still think it's strange you got setting on 2
When in programs -> hit 'C' while on the add-on -> limit artwork -> change the maximum extrafanart.
(or something like that.
Ajedi Wrote:the addon says maximum extra fanart 20. when i slide the bar to right it goes to 100. Maybe the 20=2 and 100=10?
anyway i set it to 100 and started the addon again. i let you know
Martijn Wrote:I just set it to 20 and it does 20 extrafanart.
A 100 will take almost forever
Ajedi Wrote:mine is was on 20 but only took 2 :S
I cant find a setting anywhere that says 2.....do you know where to look?