![Full sized picture Image](http://tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:NLKLllaxCevhfM:http://www.nova.edu/radiox/images/youtube-logo.png)
I was looking for a simple YouTube plugin, just the bare bones, to play selected channels. Couldn't find one so I wrote one.
Download it here: YouTube Channels Video Plugin
Release 1.0
Initial Release
To edit the channels you need to edit default.py.
Add any YouTube Channel you want...
addChannel('name', 'channel')
http://www.youtube.com/user/FoodNetworkTV <= channel = FoodNetworkTV
addChannel('Food Network TV', 'FoodNetworkTV')
addChannel('Food Network TV', 'FoodNetworkTV')
addChannel('Indian Food', 'vahchef')
addChannel('Show Me The Curry', 'ShowMeTheCurry')
addChannel('UKTV Food', 'UKTVFoodChannel')
addChannel('Food Wishes','foodwishes')
addChannel('Cooking 75','cooking75')
addChannel('Indian Food Recipes', 'IndianFoodRecipes')
Available Plugin Settings:
Thanks to Voinage for the HOW-TO write plugins for XBMC.
p.s. I've found that:
&eurl is working better for me than &fmt=18 in the getFlv(url) function.