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How to enable CU lyrics on Eden
Okay, I have gone through various forum posts, and just cant seem to get this working. I have enabled the plugin, it downloads the files, I have gone into the skin and told it to use cu lyrics (although there is no 'enable' option as I saw in some screenshots).

But sadly I don't see lyrics when I play songs, or any obvious option to turn it on/off for each song. I may be just misunderstanding what this plugin is supposed to do though (I am new to XBMC, recently jumped ship from Boxee).

Any advice would be most appreciated to get this working.

If you are using the default Confluence skin: Go to the fullscreen mode while playing music (go to left-side slide-out menu and click fullscreen).

At the bottom right there are five icons, the first of which looks like a text or speech bubble-box. Click on it and your lyrics will be displayed. Make sure you have set up the plugin to use Lyricstime as the scraper site.

In Transparency it's the last of the five icons and looks like an 'equals' sign.

Hope that helps!
System: XBMC HTPC with HDMI WASAPI & AudioEngine - Denon  AVR-3808CI  - Denon DVD-5900 Universal Player  - Denon DCM-27 CD-Changer
- Sony BDP-S580 Blu-Ray  - X-Box 360  - Android tablet wireless remote - 7.1 Streem/Axiom/Velodyne Surround System
If I have been able to help feel free to add to my reputation +/- below - thanks!
Ahah, I see where I was going wrong. I am using a keyboard to control my XBMC, and I don't believe you can access those icons with just a keyboard, once I installed my spare mouse, I could get to it.

Do you know if there is a nice keyboard shortcut to show/hide the lyrics menu at all?
You would (I think) have to map a key. See this thread Remember you are substituting CU Lyrics script location for the older XBMCLyrics.

Also see here, post #268

And from the Wiki:
System: XBMC HTPC with HDMI WASAPI & AudioEngine - Denon  AVR-3808CI  - Denon DVD-5900 Universal Player  - Denon DCM-27 CD-Changer
- Sony BDP-S580 Blu-Ray  - X-Box 360  - Android tablet wireless remote - 7.1 Streem/Axiom/Velodyne Surround System
If I have been able to help feel free to add to my reputation +/- below - thanks!
sorry to hijack this thread but it seems the best place to ask;
Is there no way to always display the lyrics? like a visualisation? I don't care mucht about the other visualisations; but seeing the lyrics would prevent me from singing wrong words ;-)
And what is the command to map in my remote.xml file to open the lyrics?
This did not help:
(2013-01-15, 14:28)Brtrnd Wrote: sorry to hijack this thread but it seems the best place to ask;
Is there no way to always display the lyrics? like a visualisation? I don't care mucht about the other visualisations; but seeing the lyrics would prevent me from singing wrong words ;-)
And what is the command to map in my remote.xml file to open the lyrics?
This did not help:

I just started this post in case you'd like to come help build some support for more Lyrics functionality!

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How to enable CU lyrics on Eden0