2.0.0 Album thumbnails in list view for music
Hello all,

First of all what a great skin, I have been using it for a long time and have just installed Eden B1 and the new Aeon Nox 2.0.0

This was a fresh install and everything went without a hitch

However I have a small query to make:

On my old install (Dharma/Nox 1.7), in the list of albums in the music library there used to be small thumbnail of the album cover next to the album itself. Now it seems to display a logo for the record label instead :confused2:

I have gone through all the settings and the forum for ages trying to find which setting to change to get it to show the album art instead of the record label logo, but I can't figure it out.

Can anyone help?

I'm not entirely sure of the technical issues here, but either way I'd remove the Nickelback, reboot and then see if that fixes things.

(Sorry. Couldn't resist. Laugh )
I changed that because I felt it was out of place to have a colored icon there between all the dark/white contrast and it is more consistent with the movie views.

If you're not scared of editing xml's I can show you what to change, it's not much.
Hi Big_Noid

Yes I can see where you are coming from there Nod

But it would be nice to get the album covers back, I have no probs editing XMLs if you can point me in the right direction!

Thanks for your great work Big Grin
Hey again Smile

Any chance of showing me what XML I need to edit to show the album covers?

Thanks alot
Forgot about this. Check Viewtype_List.xml and look for '$VAR[ListImage1Var]'.
Replace that image control with this code:
<control type="image">
            <control type="image">

There should be 2 instances. Just be aware that the second instance has a different colordiffuse for the image control.
Great thanks alot!

I'll have a go over the weekend.

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2.0.0 Album thumbnails in list view for music0