No sleep => big release
0.0.19 Meta data support. Saves .nfo, thumbnail and fanart (Use together with Newznab, see below). initial jsonrpc support. Move non-rars to bottom of file queue. Added username and password support for SABnzbd.
Extend - Newznab
The core add-on can be extended with additional site support.
Newznab is supporting up to 5 compatible sites with fully configurable meta data scraping capabilities (e.g. Categories are fetched from each site and un-wanted can be hidden through the context menu.
0.1.0 First release
Note, meta data is totally dependent on what the rss feeds contain. I'm been looking into external scrapers but don't see the reason when the site has already done the work.
I'm saving folder.jpg, fanart.jpg and movie.nfo in the incomplete folder and are using this for a nicer incomplete folder browsing view.
The Newznab addon is the new thing, replacing both and nzbstream. Mar2zz has abandoned his development and has kindly let me continue with the Newznab name.
I hope 5 sites is enough but I can easily add more if you need. It auto imports your settings if you had that configured.
Whats next? Custom category, favorites, chrome extension?