SABnzbd Suite not working anymore?

Has the SABnzbd suite add-on been discontinued? I followed the instructions here but that did not work. All I get in the add-ons section is "boblightd" , "tvheadend" & "vdr-addon"
Does anyone have a clue on this? Tried searching the forum but got nowhere.
I don't see it either, I installed latest 3.2.3 fusion build and the Sabnzbd suite is no longer present.

Where did it go?

For some reason some dude removed it from OpenElec
So it was moved to the unofficial repos, to install XBMC unofficial repos, read the following page:

Basically, you have to download the unofficial xbmc repo zip file (located here, for example for x86_64 system), and copy to your XBMC and install Add-on from zip file.

Once you do that, there will be a new category called something like XBMC Unofficial addons and SABnzbd-Suite will be somewhere in there.

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