Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Refresh Movie informations

First thx for the works.

I have an issue with TinyMediaManager, I don't find answer everywhere but it's a basic question.
How I can refresh in tiny manager all movies informations from NFO (for exempl if I edit manually a movie's nfo). The only method I found is to Initialise the database and import all. Is there an another way ?

Thx for the answer.
not at the moment;

It is a problem of a "two way sync" - you never know which is the right "version" of the information..
I do not know how we could (safely) add some sort of sync Sad
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice - available for Windows, macOS and Linux
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Thank you.
So watched status never sync with xbmc ?
Is it for that TMM don't use the PlayCount element ?
I did not have time to crosscheck the other topic for the playcount Wink

iirc we only use the watched flag and set playcount = 1 if the watched flag is set by tmm;
but after writing several thousand lines of code I can't remeber all things exactly Big Grin
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice - available for Windows, macOS and Linux
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