On Screen Display (OSD) Player Controls missing during Video Playback
First off, thank you pecinko for updating Amber, it was the only thing preventing me from updating to Kodi. I love this skin, much appreciated!

The only issue I'm having is with the OSD during video playback, specifically when playing DVD ISO's.

If I hit my player controls button (which would be M on a keyboard) I only appear to have the basic playback controls and some bookmark and subtitle options. If I switch back to the Confluence skin and hit the same key I have the same controls plus an additional disc/dvd icon which I can use to get back to the DVD menu. Is this accessed elsewhere in Amber?

I've attached a couple of photos of each menu.

Thanks in advance for your help!

My Setup: Raspberry Pi + OpenElec + Flirc


How do all you guys using amber access ISO menu's?
Ok I figured it out, it appears the disc icon is just missing but the button is actually there.
If you simply move across to the right after the last highlighted icon and hit select then the disc menu appears!
found the issue, will be fixed in the next release.
This issue has cropped up again when using Amber with Krypton. It happens with both BD and DVD ISOs.


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On Screen Display (OSD) Player Controls missing during Video Playback0