Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Air-mouse/keyboard combo options for Windows-based HTPC's
Looking for the best (most versatile) air-mouse/keyboard combo for Window 10 use and Kodi. MCE remotes don't seem to work in navigating around and clicking Win10 tiles.

Here's what I tried so far:
  1. Logitech K400. Not an air-mouse obviously, but works very well. But, not a remote-like convenience as #2
  2. Minix A2 Lite. Perfect, except lacking right-click. The 'C' key can be used in Kodi, but can't be used as right-click in Win
  3. LYNEC C120 or variant brand. Kinda small, tiny keys. Range so-so
  4. Hausbell Mini H7 or variant brand (like Rii). So-so range. More of a mini-keyboard, but if you're going to use this, may as go w/#1 as it's easier to use


Any ideas? What do y'all use? What I really want is something like Minix A2, but w/right-click button Smile.
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