GUI Help - Wireless Manager (WICD based) addon

This is the last piece of my KODI puzzle I need to work correctly.
This addon isn't being developed anymore, but still works by changing addon.xml's python requirement (2.0 --> 2.1.0) and having wicd (wicd-curses) installed (on Linux). If you're new to wicd and trying to get it working right: run wicd-curses, Preferences > Advanced, then change from wext to nl80211.

There's a successor addon called 'Network-Manager front-end for XBMCbuntu' but I couldn't get it to work right, so this one is what I'm going with.

The issue that I have, that was known about in previous threads but never fixed, is that the GUI background image for the program only works correctly when using confluence (or confluence based skin). Any other skin, it will have no background image and is hard or impossible to use. I'm hoping this is an easy fix for someone that knows what they're doing. Alas, I'm not that guy.

Also it doesn't close properly, and the stop auto messes things up, but this is the main step I need working at this time.

Addon -

Addon's release/old support thread -

Thank you.
I'm even willing to compensate monetarily for help on this. I don't have any GUI experience so this is completely out of my realm.

I am using it because I need a way to configure wireless using only a game controller, which means being able to select the correct scanned network and enter the passkey with the on screen keyboard. OpenElec works great for this with their configuration utility, but I'm using it for a raspberry Pi, which is built differently and doesn't have support for gamepads (at least for the PS3 wireless controller).
If there's an alternative that I don't know about, I'd love to know.
make sure all the images used in script_linux_wireless-main.xml are present in the media folder.

a quick look tells me at least DialogBack.png and GlassTitleBar.png are missing... there may be more.
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Will have a look now
Thank you ronie. Those were all I needed. I figured it was something pretty easy, but just didn't know what.

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GUI Help - Wireless Manager (WICD based) addon0