Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v16 Can't get lazytv or upnext to work to play continuous episodes
Hi I'm new to this but I have a few questions. I have a fire tv with kodi and I wanted to make kodi work like Netflix or Hulu were when ur done with a episode it goes right to the next one. And I have done everything and looked everywhere when I found was when I try and make a library in kodi I can't. It wants me to go in to my home folder in systems>addons and so on and there is no folder anywhere. I did see that everywhere online ppl made videos where they used the I loaded kodi on my computer and still no home folder. So I'm lost and all I want is to use kodi like Hulu and play episode after episode plz help if u can

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Can't get lazytv or upnext to work to play continuous episodes0