VDR 2.3.2 VNSI 1.5.2 EPG empty
Hello guys, after searching for hours I couldn't find a solution so I'm asking anyone who knows.
I have compiled VDR 2.3.2. with VNSI 1.5.2 using FernetMenta guide
Then installed w-scan to scan for channels and everything works fine.

The only thing that is not working is EPG... I just can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
I have manually deleted epg.data and is autocreated but never receive any info.

My system is raspberry pi 3 with raspbian jessie, VDR server with VNSI, Kodi 17.0, kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi 2.6.17
permissions are set correctly and in kodi "do not store in local db" checked

here is what is installed
vdr -V
vdr (2.3.2/2.3.2) - The Video Disk Recorder
epgtableid0 (2.2.0) - EPG handler for events with table id 0x00
hello (2.2.0) - A friendly greeting
osddemo (2.3.1) - Demo of arbitrary OSD setup
pictures (2.3.1) - A simple picture viewer
skincurses (2.3.2) - A text only skin
status (2.2.0) - Status monitor test
svccli (2.2.0) - Service demo client
svcsvr (2.2.0) - Service demo server
svdrpdemo (2.2.0) - How to add SVDRP support to a plugin
vnsiserver (1.5.2) - VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface (VNSI) Server

Maybe some settings that I am not aware?
on my understanding EPG should work out of the box, FernetMenta implemented it in VNSI 1.5.x, correct?
Do you allow status updated for the vnsi addon? Please pastebin a kodi debug log.
here is log after restarting kodi

I have not changed any config, how do I allow status to update?
hmm, kodi does request epg but seems to get nothing. are you sure epg.data on vdr machine gets populated? did you try svdrpsent to list epg on the server?
the epg.data is created but empty 0kb
have a look at this thread: http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=194710
That topic provides no information

I tried command "svdrpsend -d localhost -p 6419 MESG HELLO" and I can see it in kodi as message

It seems like either is not grabbing epg data from channels or it doesn't put them in epg.data

is there a manual command to try for fetching epg data?

edit: I have also noticed that date on epg guide has been set to 1970... maybe that's the problem?
Is there a way to sync it with local time?
This is a ME TOO reply... I have the same problem as dinor. Curious if anyone has found a fix and/or if there are any suggestions on how best to diagnose this? Interestingly enough, if I run kaffeine on the same system with my tuner board (same OS/hardware, etc.) it IS able to pull the EPG data for my ATSC channels, so it seems to be an issue with VDR. I pulled all the latest source and successfully built VDR and use it successfully within Kodi w/o any issues with the exception of no EPG data. BTW the TIME for any recordings is defunct the same a dinor... mine actually show up 12/31/1969. Tried both enabling and disabling the time setting in the setup.conf file for VDR, but that doesn't seem to make any difference. Any tips and/or redirection appreciated!
Another "me too", I'm afraid! EPG data available using Kaffeine, so its not a hardware issue. epg.data file is created, but is always zero length. Kodi version 17.3, VDR-2.3.8 patched as in "Kodi, VDR and Slackware" elsewhere in this section.

Reverting to an earlier version of VDR is not an option, as earlier versions don't compile under Slackware64-current (presumably doesn't like gcc-7.1.0).

As far as I can tell, all configuration is correct as per the above posts and those in the other thread referenced.

if egp.data is not populated, you should post this in an vdr forum. vnsi has no influence on that. also, read this: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=194710
As I said, I've already looked at that other thread and found nothing to help, other than to revert to an older version of VDR, which I can't because it won't compile on my system.

I've looked at the VDR forum, but it seems to be exclusively in German, and whilst I can under stand a bit (and speak less!), my knowledge of German is insufficient to carry on a technical discussion.

how exactly do you start vdr?

what vdr plugins do you have loaded?
It's also possible to ask your question in englisch at the german vdr portal. Most of us german users also speak englisch. Wink

But at first you should give us more information here, as asked by @FernetMenta. Wink

Greetings Hoppel
frontend: nvidia shield tv 2019 pro | apple tv 4k | sonos arc 5.1.2 | lg oled65c97la
backend: supermicro x11ssh-ctf | xeon | 64gb ecc | wd red | zfs raid-z2 | dd max s8

software: debian | proxmox | openmediavault | docker | kodi | emby | tvheadend | fhem | unifi
Thanks both! I've had a look at the VDR forum, and there appears to be an English section tucked away at the bottom. I've tried to register there, but am still awaiting a confirmation email.

In the meantime, I run vdr from runvdr, which is run as root from an init script during boot. I've tweaked runvdr to suit my installation thus:


VDROPTIONS="-w 60 -u pchristy --no-kbd --lirc=/dev/null --lib=/usr/local/lib/vdr --video=/Multimedia/Recordings/vdr --epgfile=/Multimedia/Recordings/vdr/epg/epg.data --config=/etc/vdr"
# For other options see manpage vdr.1

VDRPLUGINS="-P vnsiserver"

The --no-kbd and --lirc options were added as a result of advice gleaned from here and elsewhere, but haven't helped.

vdr -V gives:

vdr -V
vdr (2.3.8/2.3.8) - The Video Disk Recorder
epgtableid0 (2.2.0) - EPG handler for events with table id 0x00
hello (2.2.0) - A friendly greeting
osddemo (2.3.1) - Demo of arbitrary OSD setup
pictures (2.3.1) - A simple picture viewer
skincurses (2.3.2) - A text only skin
status (2.2.0) - Status monitor test
svccli (2.2.0) - Service demo client
svcsvr (2.2.0) - Service demo server
svdrpdemo (2.2.0) - How to add SVDRP support to a plugin
vnsiserver (1.5.2) - VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface (VNSI) Server

The epg.data file is readable by all and does get replaced when removed. However, it is always zero length.

Am I missing something?


please pastebin your setup.conf

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VDR 2.3.2 VNSI 1.5.2 EPG empty0