Amber Support Please
I have this /b after the end of some titles that shows up in movie's, tv shows and other sections. Some titles are also doubled. How can I fix this? I am using 3.05 because I cannot get 3.06 to work with nvidia shield tv I am also running kodi 17
Are you able to provide any screenshots?
I am not sure how to take screen shots with my nvidia shield tv
If you can't do a screenshot, take a photo of it with your smartphone or tablet.
Hi, I don't use dropbox are you able to host it somewhere else that I don't need to sign up with?

Could you try the changes I have made here?
What text editor do you use to change this? Is there anyway I can upload pics
Upload your pics to
3 * Nvidia Shield + Synology NAS DS218+ 2 * LG 77" + Genelec + WiiM Pro Plus & Mini + Adam T5V + T7V + T10S - ArcoLinux
(2017-02-28, 15:07)FieldTech Wrote: What text editor do you use to change this? Is there anyway I can upload pics

I use SublimeText3 (paid) but Notepad++ should do it/

Also do you have a debug log form the firetv so we can have a look at what problem you have? If you want to keep current with bug fixes then you'll need to keep up with the latest version so we need to get it working.
Here is the link to my image
I am using Nvidia Shield TV
I get this on different addons using Amber
The title shows up twice and I have [/B] at the end
My log file does not have any errors
(2017-02-28, 17:09)FieldTech Wrote: Here is the link to my image
I am using Nvidia Shield TV
I get this on different addons using Amber
The title shows up twice and I have [/B] at the end
My log file does not have any errors

Hmm, that image looks like it's a banned addon

Does the issue appear anywhere else?
yes I have this on all addons and I do not have this issue with other skins
If the screenshot you provided is for a Favorite shortcut, then maybe the title has got some styling added to it.
LibreELEC v8.2.1 + Rpi 3
Android s912 (kodi v17.6)
(2017-03-01, 03:31)ace310 Wrote: If the screenshot you provided is for a Favorite shortcut, then maybe the title has got some styling added to it.

No its not for a favorite shortcut. Its titles that shows up when I click on any addon
Sorry but I can't reproduce it on any official add-ons on Windows, x86Linux or Pi so I can't debug unfortunately.

Is anyone else having the same problems?

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