Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
XBMC for Windows vs. MediaPortal?
Ok, I am a longtime user of XBMC for xbox. Recently I built a HTPC. Initially, I installed MediaPortal, but found myself not liking it it at all, mostly because I found it just didn't have the interface functionality that XBMC did.
So I decided to try XBMC for Windows. After some trial and error to get it to run with my video card (ATI), I finally got it working, and video playing. So fark I'm loving it Big Grin

What do you guys think about MediaPortal vs XBMC for Windows?
It seems like you've answered your own question. Tried Media Portal and found it lacking, and you already like XBMC.

My opinion, nothing matches the UI and ease of use of XBMC. It's not quite ready for primetime on a PC just yet, but soon enough it will be and I can't see any reason it won't be my HTPC software of choice for the foreseeable future. Once I get a Haupaugge HD-PVR and the MythTV support in XBMC matures this will be media center heaven.
Hello, Nickolas. I can also suggest to try "Meedio Ultimate".
For now i keep both "XBMC" and "Meedio Ultimate" on my HTPC. Meedio is higly configurable, has lots of plugins. But, it also loads pretty slow and is kinda "heavy" when using it. But you can choose graphicaly lighter themes/skins. Also, it instals with many plugins you maybe dont need. After install turn unneeded ones off in settings, it will speed up Meedio startup.
Quite frankly I have to advise against Meedio. Lot of potential, but newcomers are in for a steep learning curve.
Tried Meedio today. I am under impression that after XBMC no media portal software, even with the free candies bundled in, will do the trick for me. On xbox and PC basic setup of XBMC includes pointing VIDEOS to your videos, PICTURES to your pictures and MUSIC to your... ehmmm... music Smile That's it. You all set. You can tweak all other things later, but you don't have to if you are not into it. With Meedio I spent 15 minutes to figure out how to add media browser just to learn it's not seeing mkv's. Ditched the thing. I would rather stick with pains of early stage of XBMC than pick another piece of software.

thats pretty much the gist of it. I've tried everything else as well. Appletv, mythtv, meedio, mediaportal, etc... Xbmc is simple and works great out of the box.
I have to agree with pretty much everything above. XBMC sure spoiled me on any HTPC software. I was blown away when I first started using it years ago, but eventually outgrew the Xbox platform and wanted to start doing HD, TV, etc. Built my own HTPC a few months ago and have been searching for anything that will do the things I love most, multipaths, choose a player, etc. Nothing, big bunches of frustration. Oh and for anyone who reads this I'd be careful with Meedio, I installed it and almost needed to rebuild my computer since it seemed to criple my hardware and wreaked havoc on my codecs.

In summary, I'm not saying anything we don't all already know, but needed to get out some frustration among a crowd that understands. Can't wait for the PC version, hopefully I can help out when I get a break this summer.

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XBMC for Windows vs. MediaPortal?0